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Discussion Board # 4 Societal and Organizational Cultures

Essay Instructions:

Corporations/organizations have been described as having their own cultures. Discuss how an organization’s culture can be compared to society at large in terms of similarities and differences.

Concerning the number of source, the writer can use any amount. I selected 2 because the option any is not listed.

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Societal and Organizational Cultures
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Societal and Organizational Cultures
Organizations, just like the societies, have their own cultures that define them. Organizational culture is influenced to a great extent by the culture of the society in which the organization exists. The reverse is also true, according to Kwantes and Glazer (2017), who point out that organizational cultures, particularly in large international organizations, are likely to override numerous aspects of societal cultures. There exist some similarities and differences between societal and organizational culture. As informed by Kwantes and Glazer (2017), some similarities may result from an attempt to organizational decision-makers to reflect the current expectations and values of the society in which the organization exists. Therefore, behaviors, attitudes, and attitudes in an organization may be linked to the aspects that characterize the larger societal context.
One similarity between organizational and societal culture is that they are both characterized by values. In both instances, there are learned cognitive preferences for the way of acting, decision-making, or thinking (Schneider & Barbera, 2014). There is also the component that people experience discomfort when they encounter environments or situations characterized by the dominance of other values. Another similarity between organizational culture and societal culture is ‘sharedness.’ Schneider and Barbera (2014) posit that to be cultural, it is essential for the values in question to be shared among the members of the group, whether it is an organization, department, team or society. It is important to note that ‘sharedness’ is a key feature of the culture. In this case, shared means that members of a group intuitively understand the basic norms an...
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