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Developing an Argument for Change - Gun Violence

Essay Instructions:

In this unit’s assignment, you will develop ideas to support the persuasive thesis statement you worked on in the Units 3 and 4 Discussion Boards( gun violence in florida). This thesis statement advocates a solution to a problem in your community, and you will consider the various stakeholders, common ground you share with your audience, possible rival hypotheses, and ways you can use the logical appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos to convince your audience that your proposal should be implemented.

You will complete a chart for this assignment. Download the file, save it with a name like LastNameCM220Unit 4 Assignment, and fill in the chart.

In Part I, you will revise the provisional thesis statement that you generated in the previous unit’s discussion and identify the underlying assumption. What is the common ground you believe you share with your audience?

Make sure the thesis is concise (1–2 sentences) and clearly expresses a persuasive argument that offers a solution to a problem in your community. Use the enthymeme format (claim + reason/s).

In Part II, describe your purpose (what is the problem you want to solve and how do you plan to solve it?), audience (key stakeholders), and setting. You will provide details about whom you need to convince to bring about change and explain the community you are writing about.

Finally, in Part III, you will evaluate your argument based on the three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos). For Part III, be sure to use complete sentences and offer specific examples. Aim for 5–7 sentences per section.

You will want to discuss rival hypotheses and how you plan to address them, research you will need to conduct to support your claims, and strategies you can use to connect with your audience. Be sure to discuss at least one source you can use to support claims and to identify a specific logical fallacy your argument could be susceptible to and how to avoid that fallacy.

Here is what I wrote

Gun violence is increasingly problematic in Florida. In 2019 alone, about 3,000 Floridians died due to gun violence, representing an average of eight people every day (Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, 2020). The gun violence data is worrying. There is a need for immediate action to end this problem. This paper postulates that holding gun industry players, especially manufacturers, more accountable in gun control could limit the prevalence of gun violence. It is likely that holding, manufacturers more responsible for the damages and sufferings associated with guns' misuse and violence, could enhance more prudent use of firearms, where manufacturers or gun sellers could monitor the usage of their weapons and control who access such guns. The research question involves whether the elimination of legal immunity for gun manufacturers could hold them more accountable for gun usage, thereby reducing gun violence incidences.

From the gun violence data, it is evident that many people are victims of gun violence. The risk of an individual becoming a victim of gun violence is pretty high. Victims of gun violence have never been compensated for suffering, injuries, suicides, and deaths caused by gun use because the manufacturers or makers of guns have immunity against being sued for damages and injuries resulting from gun use. In 2005, Congress approved the protection of the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). The PLCAA received tremendous support and push from gun manufacturers and dealers because this Act gave them immunity protections against civil suits following crimes committed by the use of their guns. Thus, PLCAA became a shield that provided legal immunity for gun makers against claims following damages and crimes facilitated by the use of firearms.

Repealing or amending PLCAA could ensure more responsible use of guns. Accountability is critical for anybody, an institution, or a business that deals with products that pose a danger to people's lives. For instance, tobacco industry players have been allocated roles of accountability, including education and warning the public against tobacco products. Holding gun manufacturers accountable will ensure that they assume a more active role in ensuring responsible and prudent use of guns among users. Manufacturers are likely to educate and train their gun users or clients and even monitor usage when legal immunity provided by PLCAA is expunged.

Could revealing PLCAA ensure more accountability amongst gun makers? Could amendment of PLCAA mandate gun makers to train and educate their clients on gun use? Could victims get justice if they can sue gun manufacturers following improper use of their guns? Victims, gun owners, and gun makers are critical stakeholders regarding this problem. Could can manufacturers cede such immunity.

Enthymeme: The PLCAA should be repealed because it allows increased accountability amongst gun makers and provides justice for gun violence victims.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unit 4 Assignment
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Due Date
Developing an Argument for Change

CM 220 Unit 4 Assignment

Part I: Thesis

What is your thesis statement (claim + reason)?

Owning a gun increases the chances of gun-related deaths in homes because homes with guns are more likely to experience suicides and homicides due to the gun.

What is the underlying assumption (major premise) for your thesis?

Gun ownership does not increase safety, but rather, it poses a greater risk of gun-related violence. Owning a firearm, therefore, has more harm than benefit, both to the owner of the gun and the people living in a home with a gun.

What common ground do you anticipate that you will share with your audience?

Owning a firearm increases the chances of accidental deaths in homes, and children have been and continue to be the victims of accidents caused by gun ownership in homes. In addition, statistics support that homes with guns are more likely to experience gun-related violence than those without guns.

Part II: Rhetorical Situation

What is your purpose? How would you describe the problem, and what are examples that illustrate the problem?

The increase in community gun violence in Florida is the primary reason people own guns in their homes for their "protection." However, home gun ownership only increases community gun violence. For instance, in Miami-Dade County, county documents indicate that there were 1,200 shootings in the county, and out of the number, 111 were homicides. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to stress the fact that increased gun ownership does not enhance security but increases gun-related violence, especially in homes.

Describe your audience. How does the issue affect different community stakeholders? Who would be underrepresented stakeholders? Who can implement your proposed solution?

The audience includes parents and homeowners, whether they own a gun or not, community members, community leaders, and the state administration. Gun-related domestic violence affects families. In addition, there is increased violence in the community, such as homicides caused by guns. The local and state leaders focus more on curbing gun violence than improving community development. The audience that would be underrepresented in the audience would be children who are more likely to be affected by gun-related accidental deaths in homes. Schaechter's (2021) research findings show that in 2020, there were at least 369 unintended shootings by children in America, causing 142 deaths and 242 injuries. The solution to curbing gun violence would be to decrease gun ownership and support gun legislation reform. Every community member and community leader can implement the solution.

How would you describe your setting? What are key elements of the setting that affect the problem?

The setting is a community in Florida. Florida is known to have one of the largest African-America...
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