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2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang

Essay Instructions:

Please follow EVERY detail on the assignment sheet, do not worry about the presentation. And the POLITICAL CAMPAIGN writer needs to write about is ADREW YANG, PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ANY OTHER PERSON.

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Andrew Yang
Due Date
Andrew Yang
The Video
The video at hand is titled 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang Shares His Message. The video is about Andrew Yang a Democratic Presidential hopeful who had just managed to qualify for the first round of the Democratic primary debate to be held in June. In the world and especially the U.S., the presidential elections are a spectacle and hence the media coverage they often get. Yang is among the 2020 presidential hopefuls and is working hard to try and persuade the American electorate that he deserves the position more than anyone else on the ballot. His message upholds the notion that humanity has to come first especially now when automation seems to be changing how the world works. Having observed how fast companies are warming up to the idea of reducing costs by laying off people and replacing them with robots, Yang is ready to change this approach. He also intends to introduce Universal Basic Income which he alludes to in the video. Yang’s approach in the oncoming elections is that everyone deserves something to help fight the tribulations of life.
The video also includes other people as well most notably the Asian American executives whose support Yang was hoping to win. Yang explains that team hopes to discuss the Asian American involvement in American politics. Terry Hsiao, the organizer of the event as per the video caption, speaks of Yang’s resume which includes things like an entrepreneur, business, leader, among others. Other contributors of the video include Karthick Ramakrishnan who is the founding director of AAPI Data. Ramakrishnan talks of Yang’s popularity among Asian Americans based on his ethnicity which he believes may inspire more Asian Americans to vote. Vijay Menon from the Heritage Foundation is also among the people who spoke of Yang’s proposed income for all policy. He notes that it has been tried and tested in the U.S. and may not succeed as Yang expects. Finally, Anna Kooke is the voice behind the video as she takes the viewer through the different policies and individuals whose contribution to Yang’s policies matter.
Yang’s message is intended for people within the working years. His goal to change the economy’s approach to a human-centered one seems to resonate well with individuals who are in the employment sector. In a world that is warming up to automation, Yang is concerned that the people will be forgotten and hence his rhetoric, humanity first.
Yang speaks proudly of his background. According to his website, /meet-andrew/, he was “born in upstate New York in 1975” to parents who had come to the U.S. in search of the American Dream in the 60s. Like his parents, Yang notes that he also grew up chasing after and “believing in the American Dream.” Once of age, Yang joined Brown where he studied economics. Later, he proceeded to Columbia where he studied law and then decided to practice law. However, he soon realized that he was not cut out for law and this means he had to find something else. Everything in him wanted to pursue business, and it was not difficult for him to make the transition from being a lawyer to being an entrepreneur.
Slowly, he learned and soon transitioned from being an employee to being a leader in a national education company. With his vision and leadership, ...
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