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The Term Commodity Feminism: Propaganda, Persuasion

Essay Instructions:

KINDLY i a 1 page need an introduction page by Sunday. 
NO specific amount of sources reqired. please use simple english. instructions listed below.

Note: Google is not helpful here. Avoid it! Do not Google "sexism and advertising" or "stereotypes in commercials" or "feminism/femininity, advertising" etc. etc. If you do that, you will get the same two dozen or so really sexist ads out of the millions of ads out there. We've seen them; don't write on those 20 or so older, absurd examples that circulate everywhere on the internet. Google is your enemy here; find ads on YouTube, magazines, television, etc.; not Google. Want images of women? Find deodorant ads, tampon ads, insurance, credit cards etc. Men? Pickup trucks, jeans, etc.
4 Pages or 1200-1400 words more or less.

The process of writing this paper should lead the writer to look deeply into an ad and by extension, come to a better understanding of advertising and it process of representation. Thus, you are to offer a 4 page or approx. 1200 word analysis of an ad or ads of your own choosing. You are encouraged to use television/YouTube ads for this last short assignment but please provide a link to the ad. You can find plenty of print ads here (Links to an external site.), you can use magazine ads or find TV ads on youtube. Please attach print ads to your papers or provide a URL.

While this assignment is short enough to analyze a single ad, if you have 2 or 3 print ads that are closely related, feel free to use more than one ad. It might be too much to use several TV ads but if you have a good focus and solid thesis you can keep your writing succinct enough to deal with several ads.

This analysis should demonstrate an understanding of one or two concepts from the Goldman, Feasey, Kates and Clark readings and apply the ideas and concerns to your own analysis. Do not attempt to write on all three issue of this module. Your task is to demonstrate that you have done the readings carefully, that you understand (or are attempting to understand) the central arguments and major points of this section of the course, and, most importantly, that you can apply those ideas and critical approaches to your own analysis of an ad. These short essays should be in formal prose and include a bibliography or works cited page.

You are not required to do outside research although you can find plenty of good writing on the representation of gender or gays and lesbians in advertising. Once again, you need to balance attention to the readings (or your research) with what the ads themselves suggest or the questions they raise. The authors demonstrate how to analyze the way ads represent gender and sexual orientation; follow their example. The following brief questions should be used as a guide. You are not required to answer to address any or all of the following questions but make sure you incorporate some of the following keywords (in bold below) into your writing, demonstrating that you understand these terms by applying them to a sophisticated analysis of representation in advertising. It would not be possible to incorporate all of the terms below; it is up to you to decide what terms and issues are most relevant to the ad you choose. You should rely more on terms like ideology and mythology rather than “stereotype.” Do not describe the ad(s); provide insightful analysis.

Find one topic. You can not write on women and men and LGBTQ issues.
How do gender ads contribute to or encourage voluntary self-fetishization 
How are envy, desire and/or power used in gendered advertising?
Critique commodity feminism, or the ways advertising offer empowerment for women within the context of commodity relations
How does advertising appropriate and domesticate feminism? Queer identities?
How do ads redirect queer or feminist identities within the logic of consumption?
How are gays, lesbians, masculinity, femininity and/or feminism represented within the logic commodity relations?
How do gender displays or representations of queerness function as ideology or myth?
What are the roles of activity, challenge, mastery and accomplishment in representations of masculinity?
What kind of settings are men place in advertising?
How do men relate to each other and/or to women in advertising?
How might advertising actively deny gay politics or the politics of feminism?
Can you identify ambiguous “gay window advertising?”
You might want to compare and contrast an openly gay, out-of-the-closet ad with an ambiguous ad seeking a dual audience.
How does the packaging and selling of a lucrative target audience of “slumpies” influence the representation of gays or lesbians in advertising?
General Requirements
1. Some ground rules when writing on advertising:
When analyzing advertising do not use the words “reality” or “real.” Realism is okay.
Never write about the effects of advertising on its viewers or audience; remember this is about social communication, not individual psychology.
This may be about social communication, but avoid that vague word “society.” Be specific about what social structures and what social institutions are relevant to your analysis: patriarchy, traditional cultures, the advertising industry, advertisers, etc. Don’t say: “society limits roles for women.” Do say, “these advertisements represent women in traditional, patriarchal roles as wife and homemaker.” Don’t say: “Society encourages us all to be consumers.” Do say: “Advertising addresses us as consumers, rarely citizens.
Avoid all metaphors of reflection; use metaphors of representation.
2. Draw upon the ideas and methods of relevant course readings/lectures incorporating them into your own analysis. Your primary research is watching TV/youtube, reading magazines and scouring the internet for relevant advertisements. While outside research is not required, it is encouraged and will enhance your grade. It is appropriate and expected that you borrow ideas so long as you cite your sources. See the MLA Handbook or any other style guide for proper format of references. Underline or italicize
titles of books, advertisements, TV shows, journals or magazines, put individual episodes or article titles in quotation marks. Plagiarism shows a lack of integrity, is dishonest, and is poor scholarship. The minimum penalty for plagiarism is an F on the assignment. 
Academic sources can be found on the Internet – start with google scholar. Wikipedia is a great tool and a good starting point but it is not an appropriate source for academic papers. Other kinds of Internet sources should only be used as examples of your arguments; approach them critically. Avoid citing journalistic or personal opinions unless they are evidence of an argument about reception. Advertising trade journals can be a great source can give you insight into strategies, target audiences and how advertisers understand those audiences. But be aware that advertisers will make exaggerated claims about the effectiveness of their campaigns. Advertising trade journals offer insight into how advertisers see and understand their audiences, they tell us nothing about the actual audience. Treat this information as you do the ads themselves, with a critical attitude – just like Marchand does.
3. Be sure your introduction clearly sets out your thesis or main argument. Make sure your introduction contains a precise, concise thesis statement. Be sure to signal to the reader exactly what you propose to argue in the main body of your paper. 
In the introduction you should use only two or three sentences to describe the set of ads you are working with. Here an example of a brief description of a set of ads: 
This paper will study seven advertisements taken from 3 mainstream woman’s magazines: Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and Elle. These ads are for a wide range of products that pertain to body care: fashion, fitness, make-up, health spas, food, hair, skin care and diet services. Despite their obvious differences in the products advertised, they all employ a similar strategy. They all represent women's empowerment at the workplace or within male/female relationships and suggest that the purchase of their products can serve as a catalyst for that empowerment. [Notice how this moves from description directly into an argument.]
Your thesis should be an argument, not an observation: 
To signify feminism, these ads all assemble signs that connote sexual independence, participation in the work force, individual freedom and self-control. All these ads offer the means by which women, through the selection and purchase of appropriate goods, can negotiate the difficult contradiction between validation through will-power and self-discipline and the achievement of individual freedom and social equality. These ads are part of a consistently contradictory message in advertising aimed at modern women: that self-discipline equals freedom and that self-denial equals equality. This contradiction has its basis in a reframing of feminism as individuated self-empowerment so that the political logic of feminism can be reworked to fit in with the individualized logic of commodity relations.
[A thesis should establish important arguments and make claims as to the significance of your findings. Notice how an observation quickly moves to analysis and then to substantial argument.]
Following paragraphs should offer fully developed arguments that support your main thesis. Most paragraphs should be at least 4 or 5 sentences long or about half a page. Conclude with a summary of your arguments and a restatement, in different words, of your thesis. I hate writing conclusions too but it must be done. Rewrite your introduction after you finish the paper. 
4. You will not be judged on your opinions, but on your arguments. Begin with insights and arguments and support those with observations and conclusions. Take a stand; challenge yourself and your readers toward new insights and ideas. A string of observations does not constitute an academic paper. Description should always be in the service of analysis. Only describe elements, images, layout, narrative structure, etc. when you need to support an argument. In order of importance: 1) arguments, 2) analysis, 3) observation.
5. Avoid informal language: “basically,” “I mean,” and vague terms: “society,” “the media,” “the viewers,” etc. 
6. Be careful with first person pronouns; focus attention on your arguments about advertising or issue in question, not on yourself or your process of writing this assignment. As long as you don't write about yourself or the process of writing, 1st person is okay. To say "I will argue that..." is to call attention to your argument, rather than yourself. To say "I watched six ads and I noticed how products were always shown..." draws attention to you, not the ads or their structure and strategies.
7. Demonstrate all the effort, thought and care that went into writing your paper with a good looking presentation. Double space with a 10 or 12 point serif font like Palatino or Times, use one inch margins on all sides, number your pages and staple your paper. Embedded images are cool, plastic covers are not. No folders or paper clips -- just a simple staple. If you don’t know how to create a footnote or put automatic page numbers in the margins, learn it now! Don’t you dare graduate without good word processing skills – you’ll be a very unhappy worker on your first day on the job.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Commodity feminism
Course title:
Commodity feminism
The term commodity feminism is somewhat related to the term commodity fetishism which was conceptualized by Karl Marx and is usually framed in contemporary feminist and Marxist terms. The idea of commodity feminism is mainly linked to the works of Robert Goldman, who described exhaustively in his paperback Reading ads socially which was published in the year 1992 (Goldman, 2011). This paper provides a critique of the concept of commodity feminism. The paper particularly discusses how advertising offer empowerment for women in the context of commodity relations. Thesis statement: employing the concept of commodity feminism, companies such as Pantene use feminism ideas to promote and sell their products to women.
Commodity feminism is understood as how feminist icons and ideas are appropriated for commercial purposes, emptied of their political meaning and provided back to the public in a commodified form, often in advertising (Gill, 2012). Since the 1970s, marketers have been attempting to link the meaning and value of women’s emancipation to various corporate products. Women are represented by advertising as a consumer of objects which represent the value of liberated women – signifying disposable income, personal and professional roles, leisure activities, lifestyle, as well as concern for appearance and travel (Goldman, 2011). Commodity feminism invites consumers to understand twofold meanings and thereby creates another meaning for a fashion style or product look. In essence, commodity feminism signifies the process of cleverness that is utilized in doubling and joining the meaning of femininity and feminism (Goldman, 2011).
Feminist discourses, as Goldman, Heath and Smith (2011) pointed out, have been redirected in the mass media in accordance with the logic of commodity relations. Instead of fighting the legitimacy of feminist discourse, advertisers and marketers are attempting to channel main elements of that discourse into semiotic markers which could in fact be attached to commodity brand names. In the crowded marketplace of today in which it is very important to distinguish brand names from the brand names of the competition, advertisers are competing at translating the discourses of women into stylized commodity signs. Goldman, Heath and Smith (2011) claimed that the numerous faces of feminism that appear in women’s magazines these days are one facet of an internally contradictory hegemonic process – a continuing dialectic between the overriding and oppositional discourse.
To imply feminism, marketers bring together signs that denote self-control, individual freedom, participation in the labour force and independence. Commodity feminism essentially depicts feminism as a style – a semiotic abstraction – that comprises visual indications which say who you are (Goldman, 2011). It is notable that since the 1970s when Revlon and Virginia Slims started capitalizing on altering attitudes amongst women, advertisers have become attentive and caring to what women actually want to hear regarding themselves.
Many years after the women’s movement succeeded in their anti-discrimination lawsuits, marketers often address women with a voice that actually recognizes these changes. These days, the culture industry tracks cautiously the demographic paths as well as attitudes of women as a way that it uses to position products to the target audiences. Advertisers take aim on market share through dividing women and subdividing them into market segments. Competition for market share and audience usually centres on the way that advertisers position their products in relation to feminism ideologies (Gill, 2012). Advertisers during the ‘80s could not continue confining themselves to asking merely: what really do female customers want? These marketers now had to ask the question: how exactly can we address the target audience female? This was imperative considering that domesticating the method of address is a vital ingredient in synthesizing signs of...
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