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CMNS 261 Writing Assignment Paper 3: Amazon.com, Inc

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2

The purpose of this assignment is to for you to become familiar with sources and techniques for tracking global media and information companies and the moguls and corporations that control them. We can’t follow Rupert Murdoch or Bill Gates as they trek through the corridors of power in New York, Washington and Beijing. But we can learn a great deal about the growing influence of News Corp., Microsoft, and other companies by making use of information and commentary available in the public domain.


  • eBay (Links to an external site.)
  • Google (Links to an external site.)
  • Yahoo (Links to an external site.)
  • Amazon (Links to an external site.)


Prepare a critical profile of the company that consists of the following parts.

1. Introduction (2-3 paragraphs)

  • Highlight the single most noteworthy insight you gained from your research and provide an overview of your paper.

2. Conclusion (1 page)

  • Emphasize two or three key points about the company from a critical perspective. What do you want the reader to take away from your paper.

3. Company Operations (4-5pages)

Provide an integrated piece that addresses the following questions.

  • What does this company do to earn revenues? Describe the industries in which the company operates. How are revenues earned in each one? Which industries provide the largest shares of revenues? Which is/are growing fastest? Pay attention to the way revenues are earned (advertising, consumer sales, business-to-business sales, rentals, licensing fees, etc.). Track trends over the past three years.
  • Provide an overview of major company initiatives over past three to four years (acquisitions and divestitures). Show how these fit into the company’s strategies for growth and expansion. How do these help the company earn revenues, move into new markets, increase their size in existing markets or industries, and produce synergies? Is the company trying to become bigger in one industry or moving into others? Why would it be doing that?
  • Be as up-to-date as you can.
  • Be critical rather than promotional. Where possible, describe the impacts of the company’s activities on consumers and society.
  • Don’t provide lists of subsidiaries. Describe company operations in your own words.

4. Board of Directors (4-5 pages)

Write an integrated profile of the company’s board of directors.

  • Describe major shareholders, if any, and the percentage(s) of shares they own
  • Critically examine the entire board, paying attention to the following questions:
    • Number of insiders and outsiders on the board and what this might mean for corporate governance
    • Ages of directors and the number of women and ethnic minority directors and what this composition might mean in terms of diversity of viewpoints present on the board.
    • Interlocks between the company and other major companies and what they could mean for the company.
    • Interlocks with governments and with NGOs (national and international) and what they could mean for the company.
  • Select three outside directors for additional investigation. Evaluate the reasons why these three directors might be on the board. How might they help the company? Be as specific as possible.

Minimum Research Requirements

Databases with American and international business news and analysis:

  • Business Source Complete
  • LexisNexis

Financial Reporting Services

  • Hoover’s
  • Mint Global
  • Datamonitor


  • annual report (especially Management’s Discussion and Analysis and Earnings Statement)
  • management proxy (DEF 14-A) or form 20-F
  • latest quarterly report
  • others as appropriate


Internet Resources

  • searches for directors and their companies
  • company web sites
  • others as appropriate

Critical and Progressive Sources

All of the following sites are linked from the Assignment Guide 1 in Step 2.

  • Alternative Press Index (Library database)
  • Alternet
  • Columbia Journalism Review
  • Common Dreams News Center
  • Consumer Project on Technology
  • CorpWatch
  • FAIR
  • PR Watch



Part A—Prepare a profile of the company’s operations and 
Part B—Analyze the board of directors are described in detail in the Assignment Guide.

Part C—Writing it up


Your report needs to be succinct and critical so you need to think carefully and critically about the information you retrieve. A good assignment (a B) shows that the student has done the research and fulfilled the requirements of the assignment. A great assignment (an A) shows that the student has done the research, fulfilled the requirements, and thought critically about the material he or she is researching. Make connections, ask interesting questions, or discuss important themes arising from your research.

Remember, this is not a conventional research essay but a critical study of a company.

  • Write in a positive, active voice.
  • Write mostly in your owns words.
  • Put important information first.
  • Do not copy extensively from sources.
  • Do not clutter report with detailed lists.
  • Do not just answer the questions in the assignment but create a narrative.
  • Look for trends, generalizations, rather than details.
  • Be critical of information.
  • Find statements in articles that you can use to hang your views on.
  • Be aware of the timeliness of the information you use.

Stylistic Considerations

Documenting Your Work

These are a critical element in any research paper and must be included in your report as

  • Works cited (sources quoted, paraphrased, or summarized in your text).
  • Works consulted (other sources used for background but not specifically referred to in text).
  • Start your references on a separate page.
  • Sources on these pages must be in alphabetical order by author.
  • Pay particular attention to citing web sites.

Use APA format for both in-text citations and references.


  • Double-space your work.
  • Use a 12-point font with one-inch margins all around.
  • Include a cover page.
  • Provide page numbers.
  • Do not write in point form.
  • Underline or italicize the names of all publications (newspapers, books, magazines).




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Amazon.com, Inc is an online retail provider targeting the content creators, consumers, enterprises and sellers (MarketLine, 2015). Even though, there have been other online platforms that have emerged to challenge Amazon, the company remains one of the most visible on the internet. Amazon allows online advertisements and targets the customers with emphasis on convenience, pricing and selection (Klaus, 2013). Amazon has differentiated itself and allows third parties to sell through the company’s platform. The Amazon Web Services targets the developers and enterprises that use the company’s technology infrastructure to conduct business.
The North American is still the major market for Amazon, but with the company facing stiff competition, Amazon has increasingly focused on the international market and the Amazon Web Services segment (MarketLine, 2015). To deliver cloud services it different regions of the world, Amazon has also relied on multiple partners, partnering with foreign partners who provide infrastructure and network capabilities. Rather than invest heavily in IT infrastructure or rely on the data center capacity of other vendors, the AWS section does not incur high capital and up-front expenses in the Chinese market (Business Wire, 2013). The paper highlights the operation management of Amazon and also examines the board of directors’ profiles.
Buyers and reviewers influence the sale and popularity of products at Amazon, and this is especially for books. Buyers have more bargaining power, while user experiences are reviewed by other users. Amazon has sought to improve e-commerce experience, while users have the opportunity to be in groups of online communities as buyers and reviewers of products. Nonetheless, Amazon still retains the right to post the product reviews, and it is no guarantee that each review will be accepted by the company. The use of online technology has opened a window of opportunities for Amazon for domestic and international markets.
As a global e-commerce, Amazon is customer centric, and sometimes focusing on pleasing the customers rather than short-term profits (MarketLine, 2015). Customer loyalty and catering to customer needs is basis for the philosophy underpinning many of the strategic solutions. Even as shareholders seek to maximize profits and value, Amazon has been able to leverage customer loyalty to increase sales and revenue. Offering value to different stakeholders and pouting customers first gives the company a competitive edge. Typically, tech companies do not provide refunds when there is slow service delivery including poor internet connection when streaming videos, but Amazon still retains the option to give refunds when they detect that problems arising are associated with the Amazon online platforms.
Company operations
Amazon is primarily an online retailer, mantaining operations at all times of the day, the week and the year (MarketLine, 2015). To ensure that there is efficient distribution of the products provided, the company has distribution centers and warehouses. The strategic decision to focus on meeting customer expectations and emphasis on long-term growth has been crucial to continued improvement in the company’s revenue. Even as more companies have opened up online stores, it is the choice of channels that affects the efficiency of the system. Amazon targets consumers where the design of goods and the services maximizes the organizational output, and the use of technology has helped the company to achieve this. The advanced information technologies facilitate the online retail services to target the customers.
Since Amazon places a high premium on customer loyalty the operations management has over time sought to improve the quality of products and services. Customers expect good quality services, and to satisfy this quality management has been prioritized where there is emphasis on continuous improvement of the e-commerce business (MarketLine, 2015). The role of designers in the growth of operations is prioritized while the Company also encourages the employees to suggest creative and innovative ideas. Improving operations management also requires that the employees are more involved in meeting the customer needs as they understand the company’s philosophy and values.
The warehousing system at Amazon has played an important role in the supply chain management where the products are stored randomly to ensure there is efficient shelf space (Parker, 2012). Nonetheless, since there is efficient movement of goods, the system enables the company to move merchandise continuously (Parker, 20120s. Despite using humans and not robots Amazon is still responsive to the customer needs, as the employees sought out the merchandise when required (Parker, 2012). At the same time, the use of scanning technology has been valuable in facilitating the sorting process, where orders are then packed and shipped to different destinations. In this way Amazon has been able to improve operations with emphasis on efficiency in the American market rather than relying on third parties or contractors to undertake the sorting and processing system.
Even though, Amazon began as an online bookseller, the company has diversified the range of products and services. Through the seller fulfilled prime, Amazon has allowed sellers who have consistently provided high quality services and shipping speed an opportunity to use the Amazon Prime platform (Amazon, Annual Report 2015). This has provided a wide range of services for Prime users who pay a subscription to use Amazon services. Additionally, Amazon has provided funding to the small, medium and micro enterprise businesses in the U.S. UK, as well as Japan (Amazon, 2015). For Amazon international expansion has been an important avenue to improve growth that they now comprise almost a quarter of sellers through third parties (Amazon, 2015). The global logistics network has enabled the company to target the global customer base while product listings are available in different countries (Amazon, 2015).
The primary source of revenue for Amazon through the company’s website is the sale of products to customers, including the merchandised and content that are sourced from vendors and third parties. Amazon has increasingly manufactured and sold electronic devices to diversify operations. Besides products the services provided include publishing, advertising, computer storage, digital content subscriptions and the co-branded credit cards (Amazon, 2016). In 2015 the net sales in the North American market was $ 63,708 million compared to $ 35,418 million in the international market and $7,880 in the AWS segment (Amazon, 2016). Nonetheless, the Amazon Web Services -AWS recorded the highest growth on a year by year basis increasing by 70% in 2015 (Amazon, 2016).
The AWS platform allow Amazon to target customers as the option focuses on simplicity even AWS is part of a complex distributed system (Newcombe et al., 2015). Since the launch of AWS in 2006, Amazon has sought to expand its operations in different markets, while there are efforts to identify bugs in the design system to improve software development and support quality customer service. AWS handles more than 1 million requests per seconds highlighting the need to improve the platform to cater to diverse customer needs (Newcombe et al., 2015).
According to Ritala Golnam & Wegmann (2013), Amazon has relied on collaboration among the competing firm entities to reduce risks and share costs. Amazon not only leverages the benefits of collaborating Amazon Marketplace and Amazon Services and Web Services, but also working together with Apple to grow in the digital text platform market (Ritala, Golnam & Wegmann, 2013). Competition and collaboration efforts have been associated with value creation in Amazon since there is emphasis on improving efficiency and growing into new areas of operations. Additionally, through networked governance and reliance on alliance Amazon has been more competitive by collaborating with some competitors as the entities have more influence in the market and may share capabilities.
Despite the international market offering a great opportunity for growth the year-over year percentage growth has followed in the financial years 2013 to 2015 from 14% to 12% and 6% (Amazon, 2016). The operating loss in 2015 in the international market was lower than the previous years, while higher unit sales and expansion in fulfillment capacity and technology infrastructure is projected to improve growth sales (Amazon, 2016). Efforts to launch similar sites in differ niche markets is an option hat is likely to expand Amazon’s operations. Speedy delivery service has allowed the company gives the company a competitive edge, even a...
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