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Catering by Uptown: Social Media Policy

Essay Instructions:

Note: I currently work as a day-of-wedding coordinator at Catering by Uptown. So professionally, I am a part of the wedding coordinator discourse community. And Catering by Uptown is the organization that the social media policy will be built for.


Congrats – you landed a job and your professional experience is unfolding well. Now, your boss has approached you with a two-fold problem – what to do about company social media postings and how to handle employee social media postings.

Since you are an expert in your discourse community regarding communication, your boss wants you to craft suggestions for two separate social media policies – one for the organization and one for employees.

Your Task:

1. Select an organization within your current or aspirational professional discourse community.

2. Research social media policies for other organizations that you can draw from when creating your own policy. Reference your research within your policies to support your

3. Create a detailed social media policy for your organization using the following questions as a guide:

a. Who has the ability to post on behalf of the company?

b. How often should they post or share?

c. What types of content should be shared?

d. What kind of language is acceptable?

4. Create a second policy focused on employee use of personal social media accounts using the following questions as a guide:

a. Are they encouraged to list your organization as their employer?

b. What are they allowed to post or share in terms of photos and content?

c. Can they “like” or “check-in” at organizational events?

d. What consequences are there if an employee violates the policy?

Include in-text citations and a full reference list at the end of your 4 page paper in APA style.

Formatting: Double spaced, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins

If you have any questions or need further clarification please contact me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Catering by Uptown: Social Media Policy
Student's name
Social Media Policy
The use of social media platforms in the current society has become vital. Other than social interaction that was the primary objective of most social media platforms, companies and individuals have leveraged the social media capabilities to reach vast audiences and analytic tools for different organizational aspects such as marketing. Research indicates that over 91% of United States marketers are sure to use social media for marketing their products (Statista Research Department, 2021). With such high prevalent use of social media to meet personal objectives and organizational needs, the a dire need to regulate how marketers and any other employees conduct themselves on the social media platform. Besides, employees or the company may slip up in their daily use of social media and make a post that might damage the reputations. Social media policy helps the employees and the company in general address the risks of irresponsive use of social media and instill an aspect of social media etiquette.
The use of social media platforms among event planning organizations similar to Catering by Uptown is quite dominant. Most notable associations have had to develop top-notch social media policies to guide the social media conduct within and without the association. Basset Events, Inc., an Ontario-based event planning company, has a social media manager, Kaitlin Coop, responsible for social media issues. Like Intel Corporation, whose social media policies are freely accessible through its website, big corporations outline some of the meaningful insights in the design of social media policies that every company, including an event planning company like Catering by Uptown, can draw some insights.
Catering by Uptown Social Media Policy
Catering by Uptown uses social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to accomplish various objectives. However, in using social media platforms, there are limitations to who can post, the frequency of using social media platforms, the content in which to post, and the etiquette.
Company Perspective
Social Media Manager
The company has a social media manager who bears the overall responsibility and can dedicate roles to their subordinates. The different roles that the social media manager can undertake include management of daily social media posts, security monitoring and upgrade, training employees on the use of the company's social media platforms, responses to any clients' complaints, and gathering feedback. Any other person wishing to associate with the company's social media platforms should seek permission from the social media manager for approval.
Frequency of Social Media Posts
Social media platforms are the primary mediums that the company can get in touch with potential clients. The potential clients can feel the only way that the company can stay active and the online presence is by posting as much as possible. The social media manager at Catering by Uptown is responsible for ensuring the social media presence of the company is felt by providing daily social media posts at a bare minimum. The social media manager should also be cautious not to bore the audience with a series of tweets or Facebook posts and potentially trigger them to unfollow their social media pages (Capriotti et al., 2021). The social media manager should also practice an adaptive social media frequency (Capriotti et al., 2021), where platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can take up to three posts a day. In contrast, the likes of Youtube should be two posts a week at most.
The social media content of different kinds has a varying degree of consu...
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