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BLM Research Essay Summary

Essay Instructions:

My core research question is, why are the hundreds of thousands of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States are not as significant as the social impact of the death of a black man by police brutality?

Looking into media portrayal of 2020 BLM protests and analysis the discussing of violence in there. You would then need to impact the history of linking blackness and black protests with violence in the US (which yes, include MLK, amongst many other things) and show how that is having an impact on contemporary events. You would also need to go into Trump's discussion of violence and what it means.

Please Find materials or use references from “the reading list” as much as possible!

(The most important:Something that has to do with a contemporary Black-led and Black-focused social movement and Something that has to do with its media representation/strategy.)

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Black, the color that signifies wrong, evil violence, etc., all the bad stuff that has ever been mentioned, thought of and done. The Roman Empire referred to Black as the color of death; that was back then when the world had not yet realized more was coming, and the victims of Black would be innocent people. People are only trying to earn a living and live life as normal individuals. That's what life is all about, right, having to fight to survive (not violence) and make it to the next day as we all wait to demise. Just as the Roman Empire referred to Black as the color of death.
Today, the U.S has brought the past into the future. Some tales never die. Racism, the Black people, and the color of justice since justice has no meaning when it comes to black people dying from the hands and actions of white folks. We are amid a pandemic; people are dying more than in the era of Spanish Influenza; the world records a rise in the death toll, the death of a black man has been gained more attention the deaths of thousands of individuals in the United States. Racism has been the course in the U.S and left unspoken. Still, since the pandemic is affecting the whole world and most white folks have been struck in the U.S, the state has embarked on responding to it more than the obscured police killings of innocent Black people. So whatever the current undergoing in the U.S, the affected community (the Democrats and Black people) had seen enough when George Floyd's video overwhelmed the social media.
Cause for much concern on BLM
The history of Anti-Blackness goes back way before the abolition of slavery in 1834 (Maynard, 2020). Black people had been subjected to slavery for a very long time. Many Black people had to buy themselves into freedom, and others signed themselves as black runaways in Canada. The White folks had Black people as part of their property. Today the course has changed in Canada since slavery abolition came as a game-changer; however, discrimination did not leave with slavery abolition. The 20th Century came with segregation in the country, but discrimination remained in employment, housing, and many other sectors that no one said. They never talk, so many cases are left unspoken of disparity, and a significant number of issues are heard. That depicts how diverse racism is and the fewer cases raised (Maynard, 20202).
In 2016, the police killing of Abdirahman Abdi was taken lightly by the Ottawa police department, who claimed that it was an accident (Nelson, 2020). Matt Skof, the police president in Ottawa, Canada, claimed that police killings were only associated with the United States and not Canada. His sentiments stated that they would judge the police, assuming that the issue was also in Canada. The problem did not happen to cause further protests as from the history of slavery not known by the Canadians; the majority understand that White people were the abolitionists of Black slavery (Nelson, 2020). Canada is built on large-scale racism but has been blinded by white men's good stories referred to as saviors (Nelson, 2020). State violence makes up the beginning of Black killings and marks the violence on Blacks by the states.
Much worse, Donald Trump takes it to Tweeter about his military ready to shoot Black protesters in Minneapolis after George Floyd's death. Trump's message had a hidden meaning that was spoken by a racist officer Walter Headley. That was 1967 to declare war on the back community in Miami. It targeted young individuals of the age from 15 to 21 (Mackey, 2020). The racist officer's main agenda was to enforce law and order by declaring war on the black community, a clear indication of lack of humanity and working under racist motives. Donald Trump had the same idea of shutting the black folks in Minneapolis if looting was to happen. His tweet suggested that the moment the people started looting, the soldiers would gun them down. He was aiming at bringing back the violence that took place during officer Headley's time.
When questioned about his tweet, Trump did not change his statements and replied that he was only inspired by the Headley (Mackey, 2020). The tweet was taken down by the company Tweeter as they referred to it as a violation of Twitter rules and regulations. Later, Trump was expected to address the public on what he meant by shooting when looting states and killing George Floyd, but to the people's surprise, the openly racist Trump decided to change the day's topic. He went ahead to address the wild waves between China and the U.S. He also rudely declared the complete withdrawal from the World Health Organization the refused to receive not respond to any questions from the press. The actions of Donald Trump angered the public.
Moreover, the Black Lives Matter movement is considered a critical matter in the U.S through the significant role played by the media. The media has stood to support the Black community in fighting for their rights. The course began with Freedom's Journal Black-owned newspaper platform that started in 1827, purposely advocating for the abolition of black slavery. The newspaper platform's launching led to a rise in the number of newspaper publishers supporting the Black community to the 20th Century (Jain, 2020). They both had a goal to free Black people and raise issues that directly altered the operations of Black folks. The first example is how Oklahoma ...
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