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2 pages/≈550 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Attributes that Make Social Media Useful

Essay Instructions:


You did such a great job on the last two blogs, I was hoping you could help me out with this one as well. I've included instructions and reading material for this week. Thanks for all your help

Reflect on the main concepts that you learned from this week's readings.


Write a 175- to 350-word blog that includes the following:

  • Explain why incorporating social media into a corporation's communication strategy is necessary in the 21st century.
  • List the attributes of social media that make them useful to corporations and explain why they are important to the corporation's growth.
  • What two or three social media tools would you recommend for corporations in order to reach their target audiences?


Include references for any Wk3 University Readings articles that you used for information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Wk 3 - Blog Entry #3
Student’s Name
Wk 3 - Blog Entry #3
Do you know that by 2019, 79% of the U.S. population had a social media profile (Wells, 2020)? If you have a business and it’s not on social media, you’re missing out and could soon be out of business. The question is not on whether or not to have a social media strategy, but rather, how to go about it. The reason is pretty obvious: social media is where to you will find the 21st-century customer! Regardless of the business, you’re doing, you cannot afford to miss the opportunity to communicate with your customers on social media and attract new ones. Social media offers platforms through which you can build online communities and, in the process, grow your customer base and strengthen loyalty (Wells, 2020). Do you know that more than a third of businesses attributed their achievement of business goals to social media (Salandro, 2020)? Simply put, social media is the vehicle that gets you to attain your business goals in the 21st century.
Attributes that Make Social Media Useful 
* Majority of Customers
* Targeted ads
* Real-time interaction with customers
* Metrics
You want to market your p...
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