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Bombas Company Social Media Usage and Operation

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Bombas Company Social Media Usage and Operation
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Bombas Social Media Usage and Operation
With advancements in technology and its adoption in the business world, social media has become one of the most powerful marketing tools in any arsenal. However, marketers' objective to weave not only the mission but also the product into the messaging is a challenge frequently realized in the actual execution than in the market strategy. The reason being, several core building blocks need to be put in place to ensure a business maximizes its benefits from social media initiatives. These elements include creating a specific audience, objectives, goal-setting, budgeting, team building, market research, choosing the necessary social media platforms, and integrating with other digital strategies. Bombas, which can be termed as direct-to-consumer apparel manufacture, takes various strategies to maximize its marketing profitability. If hired as brands' social media manager, I would priorities evaluating the current operation and usage, map out a calendar of topics to be discussed for weeks, and determine whether a change is necessary or not. Entailed are a discussion of the three priorities I would focus on, a report describing findings and recommendations, and a calendar of topics discussed in two weeks.
Through its operation and social media usage, Bombas has incorporated its mission into marketing profitability without diluting the message on its quality. For instance, the company's first "Million Pair" video, which tells Bombas' founding story, is its best piece of creativity and has enabled the company to successfully donate twenty-five million-plus pairs of socks (Taylor, 2018). Again, the company uses audio partners to help incorporate its giving efforts into marketing. For example, using a podcast host who discusses the company's mission personally and then donating a product to a charitable organization the host has ties to (Taylor, 2018). Since 2018, Bombas has been successful with Facebook, which has helped increase its revenue and sales per advertisement. However, the company has expanded to other social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Podcast, to cite a few. This has helped the apparel brand reach customers across various touchpoints, discover new ideas ad trends, and enhance its brand.
Additionally, unlike some of the company's Direct To Consumers (DTC) peers, the company has no single social media channel constituting a majority of its social media budget (Taylor, 2018). That means equal efforts are made to reach customers across all social media channels. These efforts may include, among others, hiring actual channel management and creative teams, which is done once the company has scaled and tested that particular channel has merits in marketing profitability. Besides, to promote its charitable efforts, Bombas uses social media. The process raises awareness of the causes it supports, showing the company's products making a difference. Using the hashtag #BeeBetter, buyers can share personal experiences while using Bombas’ products, promoting its products and efforts to assist the needy (T...
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