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Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Platforms

Essay Instructions:

Length requirements: 750-1250 words (recommended, not required). Submissions that are substantially short of, or go over, this range will not be penalized on a strict quantitative basis (e.g., 2% per 100 words or some other such formula), but they may lose nominal marks for failing to adhere to the formal/technical requirements in the event that they significantly exceed or fall shy of the requirements. Submission requirements: Students should upload their assignment to the dropbox titled “Proposal” on Avenue to Learn as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf). Files should be named as follows: “Surname-FirstName-StudentNumber,” e.g., “ShinDale-123456789.docx.”

Submissions made by email to the instructor will not be accepted and will be considered late if they have not been uploaded to the submission box on Avenue to Learn. Formatting requirements: Double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman/Arial/Cambria. Citations should be formatted in APA citation style (7th edition). Students unfamiliar with APA citations are encouraged to review the Purdue Online Writing Lab’s manual or avail themselves of an online citation generating service. Submissions should include their student name, number, and course information on the first page of their submission (e.g., in the header). Students may use first-person pronouns (e.g., “I,” “my,” etc.) in the course of their work.


1. Identify eight (8) academic sources related to the theme and research objective that you chose and developed in the proposal. (Course assigned readings cannot be used; all eight academic sources have to be from outside of the course.) An academic source can include an article from a peer-reviewed journal, a chapter from a text published by a university or scholarly press, a paper delivered at a scholarly conference, etc. If you are unsure as to whether a source can be considered sufficiently academic, you should ask the instructor to confirm its acceptability.

2. Introduce your theme and research objective by restating what you will be writing on in the essay (in no more than one or two sentences). Do not just reproduce what you wrote in the proposal but rather, find a way to reword your statement. [approx. 50-100 words]

3. Review your sources as a whole (not one by one), in order to offer some general observations about the scholarship already published on your theme. What are the commonalities in terms of focus, arguments, examples, approaches, methods, theoretical frameworks, geographical or historical specification, etc.? What shared conclusions are drawn by scholars who have written on the subject? (Note: these are just some suggested questions; you are not required to answer any or all of them.) You do not necessarily have to cite every single one of your sources in your review, but you should cite – either quoting or paraphrasing – a majority of them. Strong literature reviews find a way to demonstrate their engagement with their sources through quotes and paraphrases. [approx. 250 words]

4. Identify one or more gaps in the literature to which your essay would contribute to closing. Is there a particular focus, argument, example, approach, method, theoretical framework, geographical or historical specification, etc. that has gone unconsidered or underexplored in the scholarship already published on your theme? Are your sources dated? Are they about specific examples that are no longer as relevant? Do they look at a specific part of the world? (Note: these are just some suggested questions; you are not required to answer any or all of them.) [approx. 100-250 words]

5. Explain how your essay would address the gap in the literature. How would your essay help to close that gap? What about it would add to the scholarship already published on your theme? Will you be looking at an example that the scholarship has ignored or that is too recent to have been considered? Will you be focusing on a part of the world or a kind of demographic that researchers have previously neglected? Will you be adopting a critical perspective or theoretical framework that other scholars have not, for the most part, used to discuss your theme? (Note: these are just some suggested questions; you are not required to answer any or all of them.) [approx. 100 words]

6. Produce a bibliography of those academic sources, to append to the end of your literature review. Include all relevant bibliographical information and ensure that your entries are formatted properly according to the conventions of APA citation style (7th edition).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Platforms

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Platforms

Literature Review

This literature review focuses on artificial intelligence usage in social media applications. The review examines available knowledge on specific objectives such as the role of artificial intelligence on social media, the challenges that stakeholders face with the rise of AI on social media, and the improvements that could be made to address the challenges. Social media is among the fastest-growing platforms of human engagement in the world today. This review will showcase the knowledge gaps that require addressing for an efficient application of AI tools in social media applications.

Social Media Applications of AI

The application of AI tools in various social media platforms has emerged as the new transformational platform for the growth of social media. Stix (2022), users of social media are beginning to demand more content consistently. Presently, there are about 4.75 billion posts by Facebook users each day. Also, Facebook users share at least 1 billion stories and another 350 million stories daily. Since the same users must engage their followers on other platforms like Twitter and Instagram as well, it becomes burdensome for some organizations to match the demand according to Stix (2022). As such, various organizations are resorting to specific AI tools to match the need for the generation and publication of social media content. According to

Leung (2023) various AI tools have been developed to help with different roles on social media. Tools such as OwlyWriterAI, Quillbot, ChatGPT, and Grammarly among others

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