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Agenda-setting Theory and The Relationship Management Theory for Carlyle Labs

Essay Instructions:

Apply the agenda-setting theory and the relationship management theory to public relations in explaining how Carlyle Labs can assist in solving its crisis. (Please note, the assignment is not to prepare opening remarks and a Q and A session as indicated in the readings. The assignment is to use the course content for how the company should proceed).
class lecture:
Principles of the Proactive Advocacy Perspective https://drive(dot)google(dot)com/file/d/160k2xtdeAzKpu9m7QQOZGjlDHe-M2M1R/view
Media Selection and Framing
Agenda-setting Theory
Relationship Management Fundamentals
University of Missouri case
BP case

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Agenda Setting Theory - Carlyle Labs Case
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Agenda Setting Theory - Carlyle Labs Case
In the contemporary era of mass communication, the media has become an influential part of society. The media play a role in relaying information to the general public and has become vital in influencing people's perceptions regarding different subjects. It has become the norm for the members of the public to rely on the mass media in the way they behave toward some issues affecting the society, such as political inclination, the perception about the economy, the understanding of global phenomena, human rights, and even the exercise of democratic rights such as voting. Agenda setting theory is one of the most prominent mass communication theories put forward by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw that elaborates on the role of the media in influencing public attention. Agenda setting theory is based on the fact that the exposure of the audience to a certain topic of interest increases the level of attention that the public has on that particular issue.
Organizations and the media exhibit some kind of symbiotic relationship where the relevance of one dependent on the other. The media rely on organizations and other public entities for content whereas organizations rely on the mass media in relaying the information on the organizations' policies, missions, and culture. The media also acts as the link between the general public and the organization on any arising issue that affects key organizational stakeholders. The dynamics have changed a little with the widespread adoption of emerging technologies and social media as means of communication, but the influence that the traditional mass media has is still significant because of the massive audiences and the reputation it has amassed over time. The public relations personnel or media relation agents from the organization, therefore, have a responsibility to keep a strong relationship with the mass media houses for the sole purpose of agenda-setting.
Carlyle Labs Case
Carlyle Labs fire incident is a typical example of failed crisis management and relationship management. Despite the company establishing a highly reputable connection with the public and the authorities, it failed to maintain the high regard as depicted by the backlash from the media and the municipal officials following the fire incident. Carlyle Labs also failed to recognize the role of the media in influencing the company’s perception from the general public. The idea to annex the area where the Lab was situated signifies that the company was completely alienated from the general public and potentially the media had limited access. There are several measures typical of the agenda-setting theory and relationship management that Carlyle Lab should take into consideration to salvage the crisis.
Managing Relationships With Stakeholders
Organizations have become part and parcel of society in the contemporary era. Organizations need to realize that the stakeholder groups associated with them go beyond the employees, the management, the stockholders, suppliers, and the consumers. The general public, the authorities, and even the media have a stake in the existence of an organization. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the public relations team from the organization to ensure the range of stakeholder grievances and interests are addressed. For Carlyle Lab to avoid the backlash from the authorities and deter the media from tainting its image following the fire crisis, the company should have adequately anticipated and understood the expectations of all the stakeholders while putting in place the measures to constantly evaluate and improve its relationship with them.
Devise a Working Communication Strategy
Communication is crucial in crisis management. A crisis can give rise to a moment of confusion as is the case with the Carlyle fire incident where the media and the authorities were uncertain about the cause of the fire. The media and public relation...
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