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The AceProject Management System for Middle Corp and Partners

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TO: John Gates, Accounting Manager
FROM: Inert your name, The Assistant Accountant
SUBJECT: Recommendation for the AceProject Management System
Current market trends require organizations to embrace technology implying the proposed project management system will benefit the organization greatly. Findings from market surveys and focus groups discussions (within our organization) indicate that the system will benefit Middle Corp and Partners greatly. The reasons why the AceProject management system will benefit our organization are highlighted in this memo. Additionally, the International Federation of Accountants (2006) reveals that accountants must acquire appropriate information technology skills, maintain these skills, and develop additional information technology skills that will ascertain competence throughout their careers. It follows that by implementing the proposed AceProject management system Middle Corp and Partners will be adhering to the recommendation by the International Federation of Accountants (2006).
AceProject is an example of an online collaborative management system, which is a collection of processes, programs, and information used to monitor several stages of a project and is accessible via the internet (Raman, 2006). Thus, collaborative online management systems can help business organizations to improve their efficiency.
Middle Corp and Partners Project Management Practices
The current project management practices at Middle Corp and Partners result in the loss of time and energy by the staff. The following reasons explain why Middle Corp and Partners is losing time and energy.
Middle Corp and Partners depends on their employees to ensure that they use their time effectively.
Middle Corp and Partners also relies on the management to cross check the quality of work produced by their employees.
Document sharing at Middle Corp and Partners uses local area connections, which limits accessibility for employees, who have tow work away from their offices.
This results in loss of time and energy because employees could still deliver their responsibilities on time while pursuing non-productive duties. For example, an employee could promise deliver a task in two hours, yet the task could be completed in less than two hours. This implies the employee would could waste a whole hour, but still deliver the job. Additionally, the management has a responsibility of crosschecking the quality of work produced by junior employees. However, an automated system could monitor the quality produced by employees with minimal assistance from the management (Bafoutsou and Gregoris, 2002). Therefore, the AceProject management system will help Middle Corp and Partners improve on their efficiency.
Features of the AceProject Management System
The recommended system has several features such as task management and project tracking, which contains Gantt charts (for time management) and allows users to create graphs based on data t...
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