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Developing a winning marketing strategy

Essay Instructions:
Arimount, a well-known beauty and grooming company wants to launch a new deodorant product (BravoMax). The company's development and research department has created a new chemical that will allow deodorants to work for up to 5 days—even after showering. Arimount has been in the hygiene market for 20 years with an average return on investment. They would like to top the market share with this innovative product. 1. Describe how your company will address the five product levels: core benefit, basic product, expected product, augmented product, and potential product. (300 word answer) 2. Discuss the primary pricing objective for your company. What are some of the implications of your pricing decisions? (400 word answer) 3. Explain what type of packaging and labeling you will use to support your brand image. (400 word answer) ************please see attached***************************
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Developing a winning marketing strategy
Table of contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc342392094 \h 2
Marketing Bravomax PAGEREF _Toc342392095 \h 3
Addressing the 5 product levels PAGEREF _Toc342392096 \h 3
Pricing Objectives PAGEREF _Toc342392097 \h 5
Packaging and labeling PAGEREF _Toc342392098 \h 6
Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc342392099 \h 7
Everyone in this world needs to be decent, good looking and having a pleasant smell as they move around. Been decent is not a matter of your outlook appearance alone but it incorporates your inner beauty which comes evidently when one is confident of themselves. Confidence is a product of one`s self realization of freshness as a result of daily shower every morning and having the right outfit for the occasion. This makes the day well, however, there are certain thing one should never forget before leaving the house; it does not matter whether you are attending an interview or not but having the character of grooming with the basics is worthy it. These basics includes; brushing your teeth, bathing with a good shower lotion, having a good lotion that suits your body type, and more importantly never forget to use your new deodorant. Having this kind of combinations will ensure you feel confident when socializing, hugging, and been in front of people.
Bravomax, the new product of Arimount one of the companies doing great in the beauty industry will take over the place for deodorants. This paper will address the new product, Bravomax, how Arimount will ensure its new deodorant product increases its market share and not only that ensuring it remains the market leader in the years to come. The innovation and development department have done all the necessary to have a well competitive product that will allow the deodorant work for more days that other products.
Marketing Bravomax
Determining the audience you are targeting is very crucial when introducing a new product to the market. This includes understanding the characteristics that are common among the targeted group of people. Understanding the reasons behind the people`s desire to purchase you products gives you a solid ground in launching a marketing campaign. Due to advancement in technology today, the use of online marketing will not be limited. Understanding the websites the target group frequents and the different social Medias they are likely to be associated with. Through this Arimount could utilize to share its product information. This helps in having the product information get direct to the target audience and definitely building your brand.
Addressing the 5 product levels
Addressing the five product levels is one of the basics in marketing and is very crucial to Arimount Company in ensuring it satisfies the needs of the customers. A product is anything offered in the market for the sole purpose of meeting a particular need or want. This means the word product extends to cover sweet promises that different companies make to their customers. For instance, having this lotion or deodorant it will make you confident and the people around you will all ways say wow! This might be a little bit weird but have a thought about it and you will find the last deodorant you bought was because you felt it will make you better or beautiful.
For a company to ensure it satisfies the customer`s needs it have to address the five product levels (potential, augmented, expected, basic and core product) effectively. Arimount has to address them in the following ways:
Potential product refers to the final product that is on the market ready for the customers to buy. This element includes all the additional features and augmentations the company includes to the product hence making it more different from the other substitute products. With the additional augmented attribute Bravomax will be able to shine in the market. For instance, having the ability to last for longer raises Bravomax above the other deodorants in the beauty market.
Augmented product refers to all those attributes of that particular product that puts it over and above the other similar products in the market. This extra attribute ensures the targeted audience prefers the product more than the substitutes. These attributes are very cruci...
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