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Who to Contact About the Local Match and Letters of Support

Essay Instructions:

The reading and resources for Module Two discuss how intergovernmental relationships that are based on program funds affect functions, services, and citizens at all levels of government. For this short paper, write a response to the following:

As the city manager of Anytown, Michigan, you are assigned the responsibility of developing and submitting a community-development block grant for a neighborhood revitalization project that has been a high priority for the city council, the county board of commissioners, the local nonprofit housing agency, and the governor’s office. A critical part of the grant is obtaining letters of support and nonfederal funds to meet the block grant’s match requirement. Discuss who you would contact about generating the local match and letters of support. Explain your rationale.

What to Submit

Your paper should be about 1 page in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Local Match and Letters of Support

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Local Match and Letters of Support

As a city manager tasked with handling Anytown, Michigan, there are different roles that I need to do, such as developing and submitting a grant for the community development block. The grant's purpose is to revitalize the project in the neighborhood. Actions that aid in achieving this project include securing the local matches and establishing support from relevant stakeholders. Therefore, the stakeholders that I would contact in the process include the following.

The first focus will be on the city council and the county Board of Commissioners. The rationale for selecting these stakeholder categories is that they endorse and provide financial support to local projects in Anytown, Michigan. Therefore, they would support revitalizing the project (Holmes et al., 2019). Moreover, I select these bodies because I will request financial support from them, which will be beyond financial support as the entities will bring 

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