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What to Watch (WtW) Application: Personalized Movie Finder Application

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to create a design challenge that highlights various problem-solving techniques. Write a paper of approximately 250-500 words utilizing a business writing format to present and frame the design challenge. Reference the example provided in The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design for additional information. Address the following:
What problem are you trying to solve?
Who will be affected by the problem?
To what degree will the group identified be affected?
Consider that new technologies are being developed and are emerging through the hype cycle. Imagine some of the converging technology within the next 2-5 years that might enable a solution to your problem. Conduct research on companies or groups that are working on these emerging technologies. Discuss how human-centered design and technological advances could offer possible solutions to the problem you are trying to solve.
What are some of the initial constraints? For example, does the target customer segment have money to pay for it? Is a particular resource too expensive? Does the target need to be educated about how to use the product?
What are some possible variants to the design challenge? For example, are there substitute resources, different adjustments to the value property, or other modifications to the business model that could make it viable?
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What to Watch (WtW) Application – Personalized Movie Finder Application
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing)
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
What to Watch (WtW) Application – Personalized Movie Finder Application
With the increasing number of movies, series, documentaries, and reality TV shows, viewers are increasingly facing a paradox of choice when deciding on what to watch. A recent study by Reelgood and Learndipity Data Insights revealed that Netflix users spend, on average, 18 minutes deciding on what to watch (Maglio, 2016). However, Netflix relies on a reliable recommendation algorithm that guides its users in selecting movies (Chong, 2020). As of mid-2021, over 207 million Netflix users, out of which 84% have subscriptions on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video. Combined, streaming service providers specializing in movies, series, documentaries, and reality-TV shows have over 300 million subscribers globally. What to Watch (WtW) application aims to reduce the average of 18 minutes to 5 minutes.
Developments in Personalized Consumer Services
Technological development in Big Data Analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing marketing and sales processes in organizations. Today, business organizations focus on personalizing services to individual customer needs in communication, messaging, advertisements, and recommendations. At Netflix, for instance, 80% of stream time is through personalization. The three technologies provide powerful solutions to determining customer preferences and consumption behavior. Combining this application will significantly reduce the 18 minutes in 5-years' time because developments will allow for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting extensive consumer data.
Phrazor is among the organizations offering AI solutions in the media and entertainment industry. They use AI to enable metadata tagging, enhance content personalization, subtitle generation, and automation (Shah, 2018). At Netflix (Pahalyants, 2021), there is extensive use of Big Data Analytics to enhance the effectiveness of recommendation services. A recent report by TATA Consultancy Services (TCS, 2015) established that 79% of global companies are already using IoT to track products and customers. Organizations like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu are already using the tech...
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