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The Weaponization of Economic Infrastructure

Essay Instructions:

After reading Modules 7-9 in your textbook and reading Case 3 on the countries weaponization of economic infrastructure, what are your thoughts? Share at least two main ideas/topics you took out of the textbook and/or case 3 that you believe to be important when accessing global trade and its challenges. Please, justify your response, and feel free to cite outside sources (read the rubric in the syllabus).(the textbook is too large so i can't update that but i will give u some examples that other people write about. U can read and know how to write. But plz don't copy these examples cuz these are my classmate wrote)

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The Weaponization of Economic Infrastructure
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The Weaponization of Economic Infrastructure
Infrastructure weaponization is an extensive discussion, and it has a significant impact on the global economy. It involves creating choke points to bar other countries' access to a specific region to improve the economy. Technically, monetary policies and economic strength play an integral role in establishing a strong military base. Economic infrastructure can be described as a component that contributes to economic development in a country, such as railways, airports, and harbors. Recently, most countries are using economic infrastructure as a weapon to strengthen their economy or sabotage other economies (Daniela, 2018). Economic infrastructures are usually kept in the dark, and most countries do not unravel the mysteries surrounding their infrastructure. For instance, pipelines are an essential piece of infrastructure, and it supplies an economy with millions of dollars each year. The same case is applied to airports and harbors, which are used for transportation. China is pursuing 5G internet speed across the globe; this is a strategic goal to improve their economy since they can easily analyze other countries' economies (Newman, 2019).
Additionally, they will have access to important information surrounding the economy; they will use it as a weapon in this case. The Seoul Company will no longer be exporting semi-conductors to Korea because the USA is technically improving its infrastructures to win the largest market share in the global markets. Through this process, the USA and Japan will become a hub for machinery production, hence cutting China and Europe's competition. I believe weaponizing infrastructure is cruel mode since it makes some countries not have fair global deals. For example, Trump Administration imposed high tariffs on Chinese goods such as semi-conductors (Daniel, 2018). Infrastructure weaponization has a lot of negative impa...
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