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Warehouse Health And Safety Risks, Risks Layout, Floors, Heating

Essay Instructions:

Chapter 7 provides a detailed discussion of warehouse health and safety risks. These include risks associated with layout, floors, heating, noise, housekeeping and fire. Review these risks, and in a two- to three-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), present a risk assessment of a warehouse. If you do not have access to a local warehouse, you can use a buyers' club (i.e., Costco or Sam's Club) as a substitute. In addition, for each risk identified, present at least one recommendation on how to mitigate that risk.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

One reference to use is : Stuart Emmett. Excellence in Warehouse Management: How to Minimise Costs and Maximise Value (Kindle Locations 1544-1545). Kindle Edition.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Risk Assessment in Warehouse
Risk Assessment in Warehouse
Risk management enables enterprises to thrive and survive the competition. However, numerous business owners are unaware or fail to conduct risk assessments especially on warehouses. The absence of such evaluations leads to the downfall of business due to a reduction in trading. Besides, enterprises incur considerable losses in incidences of accidents, fires, and theft among others. The costs of failure to conduct risk assessments involve damages and direct loss, time wastages when dealing with the repercussions. Moreover, businesses face a reduction in customer loyalty and reduction of the reputation of companies (Emmett, 2005). Improper management and assessment of risks associated with heating, floor, layout, noise, fire, and housekeeping lead to losses in business. The present essay henceforth elaborates on the risk assessment of warehouse.
Fire makes the products in warehousing at risk. Besides, packaging materials, building materials, and packaging materials usually add to fire load. Activities such as hot work especially angle grinding and welding that takes place in the warehouse enhance the fire risk of the premise. The various goods within the store are conducive to spread fire in case of fire incident (New Zealand Limited, n.d). However, control of warehouse fire is good designing of the property to maintain automatic sprinkler system. Moreover, the management should ensure hand-operated fire extinguishers that work correctly in case of fire outbreak. Besides, the administration should establish a well-planned fire protection mechanism to provide control of such risks in case of fire outbreak (Emmett, 2005).
The various mitigation processes in case of fire outbreaks include the use of fire extinguishers and hose reel practices. Such extinguishers should be hand operated and hose reels. The fire extinguisher should be installed by approved contractors who mount them on brackets with clear signage showing their positions to ensure proper locations during emergencies (de Koster, Stam & Balk, 2011). Besides, there should be an annual servicing of the gadgets by approved contractors to ensure that the devices are ready for use at any time. Other recommended procedures to mitigate fires include the use of fire sprinkler systems, embrace evacuation procedures, use automatic fire detection systems and perform fire drills. Furthermore, it is essential to construct warehouse with fire doors and smoke control doors as well as building a warrant of fitness (Emmett, 2005).
Heating in the warehouse usually occurs in the hot work areas. Such areas have risk factors such as high risk of fire. The activities that need heating include flame cutting, grinding, blow lamps, brazing, soldering, use of hot air guns and welding among others. To ensure safety in heating areas, acquiring hot work permit before commencing activities that involve heating is necessary. The warehouse manager should inspect the entire work area before releasing a license and confirm the various precautions before carrying out heating activities (Health and Safety Executive, 2007). The inspection helps in identification of heating and fire hazards as well as ensuring hot work safety. On the same note, hand operated fire extinguishers and hose reel should be available in heating areas coupled with manual fire alarm system. Besi...
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