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Managemet 499 SLP 1: Why the Vision and Mission Are Vital In Shaping Organizational Strategy

Essay Instructions:

Module 1 - SLP

The Strategic Management Cycle

Current Event Blog 1 

In your SLP for this course you will be considered a strategic management subject matter expert and will be asked to blog about important aspects of the strategic management process and to provide examples to support your key arguments based on current events pulled from recent articles from reputable sources (such as a major national news source like the NY Times, Business Week, etc.).  

Your main article(s) for each of your blog entries must be no older than 4 months old.  If you use an older article as your primary focal article, you will be asked to redo the assignment.  You may, of course, use older sources to support your discussion but the current event article serving as the main focus of your paper must be recent. 

For your first SLP discuss why the mission and vision are important in helping to shape organizational strategy and find two recent articles (no older than four months old) that provide examples of organizations that seem to be living up to (or failing at) fulfilling their mission and vision.  

Remember that you are playing the role of a person blogging about strategic management and the key here is to convey to the public the importance of the mission and vision statement in a strategic management context and to provide examples of organizations who do well (or poorly) in fulfilling their stated missions and visions.  Also remember to keep your discussion focused on strategic management.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your SLP assignment should be a minimum of 3 pages in length. 

You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources.  There should be a minimum of three reputable sources cited and referenced in your paper.  

Please make sure you review the assignment rubric prior to writing your assignment. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Current Event Blog
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Why the Vision and Mission Are Vital In Shaping Organizational Strategy
Vision and mission are critical elements and standard of a firm’s organizational strategy. Most organizations with good establishments have vision statements and mission statements that act as foundational guides in the development of organization’s goals. An organization’s mission highlights the organization’s purpose and acts as a guide for all the organization’s decision making. Vision statement creates a direction of the company and highlights commitment to corporate values such as openness, transparency, responsibility, integrity, and other values (Martin, Farndale, Paauwe, and Stiles, 2016). Organizational strategy is the strategic planning, which is the process of creating organizational goals and strategies to accomplish mission and vision of the firm. The organization uses the mission statement to develop short and long-term goals. Strategies then are created to achieve company’s goals.
Examples of Firms Which Seem To Be Living Up (Or Failing in) Fulfilling Their Vision and Mission
Livestrong Cancer Foundation
Livestrong is a good example of an organization which seems to fail in fulfilling its mission and vision due to scandal issue and lack of financial resources which threat the survival of the firm. The C.E.O of Livestrong resigned after less than a year working on the job. This is a blow to the organization that has struggled with a drastic reduction of revenue and donations since Lance Armstrong was accused of doping scandal. The C.E.O, Chandini Portteus, was brought to assist rebuilding the organization, but the Cancer Foundation now faces another leadership challenge as its international brand continues to diminish (The Associated Press, 2016). The departing C.E.O said she is leaving the organization to focus on her family. The cancer foundation had two complete years of drastic decline prior Portteus took office in early 2015. The organization’s donations declined from $23 million to $15 million after a broadcast showed Armstrong admitting using drugs. The organization’s revenue continues declining after key sponsors have terminated their funding. The organization now needs a lot of time to redevelop its image and to regain public support and donor funding. The board of directors and leadership team needs to do a lot to redevelop the vision, which the organization once had to make the firm great again.
Livestrong is an example of organizations that have failed to fulfill its declared mission and vision. The cancer foundation has failed to achieve its mission because of scandal issue. The celebrity of Lance Armstrong was the driving force for the foundation’s fundraising activities. His forefront visibility and leadership influenced the management model of the organization. However, his admission for doping led to the downfall of his ethics and his public reputation and consequently challenges the ability of the organization to pursue its mission. This scandal continues to impact how the public perceives Livestrong’s ethical responsibility and consequently continues to challenge the foundation’s capability to pursue its mission (The Associated Press, 2016). As a result, key sponsors have pulled out, which destabilizes the foundation’s financial resources and weakens the long-term survival of the organization. Despite, Armstrong resigned as the chairman of the Foundation; many allegations are still made about his connection to the foundation, which creates negative reputation to the organization. The foundation’s brand is still in crisis because people still tie the brand to Armstrong.
General Motors Company
General Motors Company is a good example of an organization that appears to be living up to fulfilling its missions and vision. Currently, the corporation is taking another commitment in its endeavor to become a leading player in car-and-ride sharing market by establishing its Maven brand to counter and compete with other competing companies such as Zipcar Inc. GM Company is focusing on catching up with organizations like Zipcar and Uber, which have obtained a rapid-developi...
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