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Value of Networking in Real-World Insights

Essay Instructions:

Networking Assignment:

What do Justin Trudeau, Heather Rieseman, and Bill Gates, all have in common? The answer is simple -- they are all excellent at networking or making connections with people that are important to their careers and/or personal development. All four learned very early that the best way to get a job, get promoted and get ahead was to establish relationships with people prior to needing their assistance. They did this in a variety of ways from introducing themselves at parties, walking into a business and asking for help or picking up the telephone and making cold calls. None of the people mentioned above would have risen to their state of prominence if they didn’t excel at making contacts and asking for advice.

The following assignment is asking you to establish such networks with 3 people in your field of interest and conduct a face-to-face or telephone interview. For example, if you are interested in accounting then speak to recent accounting graduates, chartered accountants and/or people who work for companies that interest you.

If you are unsure what career path you wish to pursue, speak to people in management, entrepreneurship, marketing and/or finance. The purpose of this assignment is to:

1. Assist you in learning more about your potential career.

2. Make valuable connections with people who can provide advice, guidance and perhaps serve as a role model.

3. See how some of the theories that we learn about in class are applicable to real-world situations

Some common fears:

Some students feel that this assignment is challenging as they are immediately struck by two or three negative thoughts such as:

a) I do not know anybody.

b) I do not like bothering people.

c) I am not good at asking for advice.

But -- you will quickly discover that you know more people than you think, that people like to offer advice, and that asking for advice is quite easy.

How do I get started?

The best sources for potential networking opportunities:

1. Family – they cannot be used directly, but they probably know someone you can talk to.

2. Once you complete one interview, ask the interviewee to introduce you to somebody that may be of interest.

3. If people are really stuck for someone to interview then try contacting the MSVU Alumni office. The office would be a good starting place to find out about recent grads who may be working in your field. Additional places to look for interview candidates on campus include: Career Services, the Centre for Women in Business and your professors.

What kind of questions should I ask?

Anything – you are only limited by your imagination. You should probably start with basic questions and then move to questions that relate course material to the real world. The following are examples of questions that students have used in the past:

Basic Questions:

1. What do you do on a day-to-day basis?

2. What educational background do you have?

3. What were the most important things you learned in life or school that have assisted you in your field?

4. Is your job enjoyable?

5. Would you recommend this career to someone? Why or Why not?

6. What advice would you offer students that are thinking about this as a career?

Theoretical Questions (Depending on the person you are interviewing):

1. When you started your company did you write a business plan? Why or why not?

2. You work in promotions. How has the Internet changed the way you promote products? Has the Internet impacted other aspects of your marketing mix?

3. You work in HR. Has it been difficult to fill positions over the last number of years? What does your company do to remain attractive to potential employees?

What do you pass in?

You will submit to your professor a one-page to two-page summary of who you interviewed describing their education, work background and why you decided to interview them. You will then write a 4 – 8 page reflection (12 pt font; 1.25 spacing) describing what you learned and whether you enjoyed the assignment. Good assignments will:

• compare previous knowledge to new knowledge (use specific examples)

• discuss if anything you learned is relevant to your potential career (use specific examples)

• discuss if anything you learned will impact your university studies (use specific examples)

• compare theory from the text and class lectures to what the interviewee said (this is required for an excellent to outstanding grade – so a grade in the (A and above range).

• describe what if anything you found surprising BE SPECIFIC

• state if you liked the assignment and the reasons – why or why not


You must submit the question and answer section of your interview as an appendix. THIS IS NOT THE ASSIGNMENT. YOU DO EARN MINIMAL POINTS FOR THIS. THE MAJORITY OF THE ASSIGNMENT GRADE IS THE REFLECTION!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Networking Assignment

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Subject and Section

Professor’s Name

November 29, 2023

Reflecting on the networking project, where I engaged with Michael Anderson, Sarah Bennett, and David Chen, a rich tapestry of marketing wisdom was unveiled. Each interaction, distinct in its focus and depth, imparted critical insights, collectively shaping a multifaceted view of the marketing landscape.

From Michael Anderson

Anderson's discourse unraveled the essence of adaptability in the digital marketing realm. The highlight was his strategy of data-driven content personalization, spotlighting the vital role of consumer insights in tailoring marketing efforts. His perspective introduced a dual need for creativity and analytical prowess in navigating the digital marketing sphere, emphasizing the field's ever-evolving nature.

Insights from Sarah Bennett

Bennett's narrative offered a deep dive into the art of storytelling in brand marketing. Her emphasis on strategic creativity and the power of emotive narratives in brand perception was enlightening. This dialogue underscored the significance of connecting with audiences on an emotional plane, crafting stories that resonate and build lasting brand loyalty.

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