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The Use of Big Data Technologies in the Manufacturing Processes

Essay Instructions:

Homework: Read the following articles and create 1 page MS Word single spaced APA formatted summary. Please prepared to discuss in class. Due 2/10.

De Luca, L. M., Herhausen, D., Troilo, G., & Rossi, A. (2021). How and when do big data investments pay off? The role of marketing affordances and service innovation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(4), 790–810. https://doiorg(dot)proxy(dot)library(dot)nyu(dot)edu/10.1007/s11747-020-00739-x
Velásquez, N., Estevez, E., & Pesado, P. (2018). Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Industry 4.0 Reference Architectures. Journal of Computer Science & Technology (JCS&T), 18(3), 258–266. https://doi-org(dot)proxy(dot)library(dot)nyu(dot)edu/10.24215/16666038.18.e29

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Article Summary
De Luca et al.’s (2021) “How and When Do Big Data Investments Pay Off? The Role of Marketing Affordances and Service Innovation” focuses on how big data technologies and analytics (BDTA) enhance new digital services and whether it fosters superior organizational performance. The authors examine three primary marketing affordances associated with big data, namely data-driven market ambidexterity, customer behavior pattern spotting, and real-time market responsiveness (De Luca et al., 2021). Notably, affordances refer to possibilities for action provided by specific technologies to individuals or organizations with certain capabilities. The article shows that companies are significantly investing in BDTA due to the assumption that it promotes organizational performance, facilitates the implementation of disruptive business model innovations, and enables business transformation.
The authors also make it clear that BDTA investment does not guarantee increased quality and marketing effectiveness. In that light, scholars are studying the effective strategies that can make BDTA help businesses get a competitive advantage. De Luca and colleagues argue that BDTA can lead to effective communication and gathering of customer data. As such, it can facilitate better and more personalized services, which organizations can build via data-driven marketing actions to develop and maintain profitable client relationships (De Luca et al., 2021). For example, firms can inform their customers when they have launched new products or services and recommend the best way to use such commodities for optimal benefits.
“Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Industry 4.0 Reference Architectures” by Nancy Velasquez, Patricia Pesado, and Elas Estevez discuss two primary reference architectures that are used in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). In particular, Industry 4.0 fosters the utilization of technologies in the manufacturing processes to help organizations provide products and services that satisfy consumers’ needs (Velasquez, Estevez, & Pesado, 2018). The authors examine the Reference Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) from Germany and the Industrial Internet...
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