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Understanding the Influence of Internet to Marketing

Essay Instructions:

One of the headings in Chapter 9 is "Will the Internet change everything?". "Everything" is a bit much since human nature (a key element in marketing) does not change much even over long periods, but the Internet has already caused a lot of change in the marketing field. Using a selection of relevant topics covered in the three chapters assigned this week (9, 10, 11), discuss what changes you believe that the Internet has caused as well as any changes you see it causing in the future.

The book Marketing Management, A Strategic Decision-Making Approach, 8th edition, Mullins, Walker.

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Internet and Marketing
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Internet and Marketing
The advent of computer technologies, particularly internet technologies, has revolutionized almost every aspect of human life despite being a little over two decades old. The internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) have seen the emergence of social media technologies and other related technologies such as cloud computing, data analytics, and even Artificial Intelligence. These technologies have had a tremendous effect on how humans do businesses, causing a rapid change in almost every aspect of a business. The ability to incorporate internet technologies into a business has become a key component of competitive advantage, owing to the numerous benefits that come along with the use of technology in business. For example, marketing is one of the key areas in business where the internet has greatly revolutionized. The changes that the internet has had on business and marketing are wide-ranging, including introducing new products and services, marketing communication, and stimulating competitiveness and innovation.
The internet's primary purpose is to be used as a communication tool. However, numerous products and services have emerged courtesy of the innovative technologies associated with the internet and WWW (Mullins & Walker, 2013). The internet has led to the emergence of programming technologies and frameworks that enable businesses to set up websites and webpages to offer an alternative to their physical business stores as well as provide meaningful information to the target customers. These websites can be embedded with technologies that allow transactions and distribution to be done via online platforms (Shaltoni, 2017). Other products, such as social media sites, have had a tremendous impact on the competitiveness and effectiveness of businesses in the contemporary era, enabling businesses to leverage services such as social media advertising, analytics, and even online reviews to products and services (Shaltoni, 2017). Before the advent of internet technologies, such products that have taken business and marketing to a whole new level were not available.
Marketing communication is the other aspect of business and marketing that has been heavily transformed with the introduction of the internet and WWW technologies in the business arena. The primary objective of the internet is communication. Communication in marketing serves to create awareness to the intended market, be it about the introduction of a new product or just creating a positive interaction with the consumers or the stakeholders. Internet technologies have led to the emergence of new and effective communication channels such as emails and direct messaging features of social media applications, enabling b...
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