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Troubleshooting and CreativityThinking in Organizations

Essay Instructions:

dentify an instance in which an individual or group was unsuccessful in using creative thinking to solve a problem, such as the passage of prohibition in the United States in an attempt to reduce crime and improve living conditions for the working class.
Research your chosen failure of creative thought.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you:
Briefly introduce your chosen example of flawed creative thought.
Explain how and why this attempt to make a change or solve a problem was unsuccessful.
Propose one or two new creative solutions to the underlying problem.
Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines

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Creative Thinking in Organizations
Creative Thinking in Organizations
Creative thinking is one of the best approaches that are used to solve problems at the work place. Over the years, creative thinking has been used by organizations and nations to come up with business solutions that can better the fortunes of the organization. Despite its success, there have been numerous failures associated with creative thinking in the workplace which is often associated with the failure to adhere to the necessary guidelines for creative thinking. A perfect example of failure in creative thinking was the attempt by Congress to pass the prohibition act which sought to outlaw the sale of alcohol in the United States. This attempt was a way of reducing crime and ensuring that the middle class lived comfortably. However, this attempt ended up in failure as there was no clear creative thinking to ensure that the process was a success.
The failure of the prohibition amendment can be traced to the manner in which it was implemented. Earlier attempts at prohibiting alcohol had been unsuccessful due to riots by people opposing the act. In trying to implement the 1920 prohibition, Congress failed to take into consideration the things that had caused the earlier Act to fail. The implementers of the Prohibition law believed that banning alcohol would lead to the skyrocketing of clothes and household goods. Real estate owners also expected rent to go up as bars closed and neighborhoods improved. Theater producers also believed that they would get new business as Americans looked for a way to entertain themselves without the use of alcohol. Despite these predictions, the opposite proved to be true as nearly all the businesses ended up suffering as people failed to venture out (Lerner, 2011).
The main problem with the Prohibition amendment is that there was no consultation among different stakeholders before reaching the decision. Brainstorming is one of the most important elements of critical thinking as it allows the participants to come with an “outside the box” solution that might not be realized if there in ordinary circumstances. In passing the amendment, Congress only took the approach which it felt was the best and failed to take into consideration any other alternative. The Congress committee that was tasked with making the implementation did not take time to consult any other party on the likely repercussions of the act and this means that the decision that was taken did not factor the economic ramifications of this act. Without taking into consideration the economic and social consequences of this amendment, this approach was definitely meant to be a failure (Joseph, 2016).
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