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Traits of Entrepreneurs

Essay Instructions:

Once you have finished reviewing the required background materials on entrepreneurial traits and finished your research on Gates and Branson, write a to 3-4 page paper addressing the following questions:

  1. Which key traits of entrepreneurs that you found in the readings do Richard Branson and Bill Gates have? Are there any key traits or characteristics mentioned in the readings that Richard Branson and Bill Gates do not seem to have? Refer to the specific entrepreneurial traits and characteristics discussed on pages 13-15 of Morris (2012) and the “Characteristics of an Entrepreneur” section from Chapter 1 of Gordon, et al. (2009).
  2. What type of entrepreneurs are Richard Branson and Bill Gates? Refer to the “Classification/Types of Entrepreneurs” from Chapter 1 of Gordon, et al. (2009).
  3. Overall what do you think the key similarities and differences are in the entrepreneurial styles and characteristics of Richard Branson and Bill Gates?

Assignment Expectations

  • Answer the assignment questions directly.
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
  • List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.
  • Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).
  • Review our “Writing Style Guide” for more detail on referencing and writing expectations. This guide is found under “My Resources” in the TLC Portal.




Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
Traits of Entrepreneurs
There are many traits that make up an entrepreneur. One trait is high level of discipline. For one to succeed as entrepreneur, they must have high level of disciplining. This is the ability to come up with goals and strictly working towards their achievement. Creating convenient loopholes that would allow one to deviate from the initial plans is lack of discipline. For all entrepreneurs who have merged successful, discipline remains the key. It is necessary that one comes up with goals and remains faithful towards accomplishing them.
Creativity is yet another trait that both Bill Gates and Richard Branson have in common. For one to be successful as an entrepreneur there is need to go beyond the ordinary. Thinking out of the box is what makes one stand out (Crow, 2008). Entrepreneurs must know what other business people are doing and make sure they do better. It is about rising above what is considered normal in order to create a niche and have an edge over all others.
Risk- takers is also another trait of entrepreneurship. It is not always a guarantee that the business undertaking or dealing will sail through as expected. There are some businesses that fail miserably leading to huge losses (Gordon & Aurora, 2009). An entrepreneur will not know how a business deal will turn out until the very late stages. This means that one must be willing to risk and hope for a positive income. Anyone who is too careful and wants predictable results cannot make a good entrepreneur. When both Bill Gates and Richard Branson began their businesses, they did not know whether they would succeed. It was out of sheer risk that their businesses became international.
One trait that has been mentioned and which the tow business moguls do not seem to have is being inquisitive. This is asking many questions with the aim of gathering as much information as possible. Both are said to have been quiet and very reserved but despite their innate nature, they still made good entrepreneurs.
Classification of Entrepreneurs
Both Bill and Richard can be classified as business entrepreneurs (Crow, 2008). This is a class of entrepreneurs who make business by coming up with unique ideas, implementing them and turning them to business. Both Richard and Bill came up with brilliant ideas which nobody had come up with previously. The saw the commercials aspect in their ideas and they made money as result. In this kind of entrepreneurship, there is both trade and manufacturing that is involved. The aim is to become creative and use the creativ...
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