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Training Handouts: Creative Problem Solving, Employee Motivation

Essay Instructions:

You are the director of an organization and you are tasked with training your management team on creative problem solving, leadership, and employee motivation.
Create three bullet-point handouts on each page (three pages total - one for each topic below) to distribute during your training session. The handouts must address the following topics:
Creative problem solving: Describe approaches to creative problem solving and ways to encourage creative problem solving among employees.
Employee motivation: Identify ways to generate motivation during times of organizational change.
Leadership: Identify the role of the leadership in the innovative culture of an organization.
Note. Each handout must contain at least three main points or topics and must not be more than one page in length. There are no stipulations on how to format the handouts. Be creative with fonts, styles, and formatting. If you include images, keep the images small to limit the size of your document. Double space your paper. Cite your images and references according to APA standards. 
Format your paper in accordance with APA standards, using a title page, in text citations, and a reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Training Handouts
Training Handouts
1. Creative problem solving
Application of Lateral thinking as a creative process of problem-solving among employees
Lateral thinking is a technique used to alter individual perception of a specific problem but requires a lot of reasoning.
This is a good strategy applicable in a situation where logic reasoning might not be useful (Caroselli, 2011).
Lateral thinking is one of the preferable ways of problem solving because it moves our minds away from pragmatic thinking
Using lateral thinking people can come up with an unorthodox solution to a problem .this may also make an individual discover some of the solutions, which he had not considered previously (Caroselli, 2011).
Lateral thinking involves influencing other attitudes
In problem solving, individual nature, characteristics, and creative decision-making are important (Caroselli, 2011).
When utilizing lateral thinking, the cause of the problem is irrelevant
Lateral thinking is a tool that can be applicable not just in solving problem but also making an important decision
Lateral thinking moves our ideas and perceptions in different directions that were not previously explored (Caroselli, 2011).
Methods and techniques of creative problem-solving
Creative problem-solving entail shifting our mental state and restructuring our thoughts
It involves creative analysis of the problem about the situation linked to the problem at hand
Creative problem technique involves analysis of the pros and cons of the decision at hand (Lussier & Achua, 2015).
Using a decision tree is the best option of coming up with the desirable decision when solving problems
Cost benefit analysis is a popular technique of arriving at the best option; it also helps in measuring the worth of any new decisions made (Lussier & Achua, 2015).
Using Pareto analysis is helpful in selecting important tasks that would generate significant outcomes.
Grid analysis is another technique for generating beneficial options
Using six thinking hat, one can weigh all the possible outcomes and choose the most desirable one (Lussier & Achua, 2015).
How to enhance creative problem-solving
Brainstorming is a process of creating new ideas by engaging everyone in the decision-making process (Kendrick, 2010).
Developing critical thinking involves acknowledging our weaknesses, strengths and the effect of an idea (Kendrick, 2010).
Enhancing creative problem solving involves using communication and linked decisions through optional analysis (Kendrick, 2010).
2. Employee Motivation
Participation of Leadership
Participative leadership involves providing information to employees about the organization goals and objective
Updating employees on the organization operations through frequent reviews
Employee involvement in the decision-making process is likely to improve their understanding of the organization Foundation (Piirto, 2011).
Involvement of employees in making changes in the organization makes people more committed to the proposed changes
To minimize employee resistance to change it important to define the common challenges due to the proposed changes. People tend to be more collaborative hence reducing competition when they work towards a common goal.
When several employees decide together, they make better decisions than one person alone (Piirto, 2011).
How to motivate employee to embrace change in the organization
Involve all employees during the initial planning of the proposed changes.
Identify employee-training needs about the proposed changes to make them feel part of the change process (Caroselli, 2011).
Identify employee's individual career goals versus organization goals and analyze the commonalities between the two.
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