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Training and Development in Small Businesses Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

Training and Development in Small Businesses


Select a small business with which you are familiar. Imagine that you have been called into that business to provide a consultation on training. Create a comprehensive training proposal for the business.


Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:

Analyze key elements of training and development geared toward improving the performance of the specific small business for which you are consulting.

Predict 3–5 potential challenges that the managers or owners of the business could face in addressing organizational performance.

Justify the effects of detecting organizational gaps in small business, providing examples to explain the rationale.

Propose a competitive training strategy that will improve the position of the business in the market. The strategy should include, at a minimum, an agenda of training activities, rationale for instructional strategies used, and the return on investment (ROI) that will be gained from the strategy you have developed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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* Introduction
Training and development play a major role in the enhancement of success for any organization. In this study, the major focus shall be the development of a training proposal for LSB Industries, Inc., which is a chemical industry located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in the United States of America. The LSB Industries, Inc. operates in one of the most competitive industries in the US market, where the company deals with the manufacture and the sale of geothermal and water source heat pumps, air handling products, as well as chemical products. There is, therefore, the need for training to enhance company performance in the market. In this study, the major focus shall be the provision of consultation on training, through a training proposal. In the study, the areas of focus shall be the analysis of the major elements of training and development geared towards improving the performance of LSB Industries, Inc., predicting the potential challenges that the managers and the business owners could face in addressing organizational performance. These studies will also point out the various organizational gaps in LSB Industries, Inc., while also proposing a competitive training strategy that will improve the position of LSB Industries, Inc., in the market, by examining an agenda of training activities, the rationale for instructional strategies used, and the return on investment (ROI) that will be gained from the strategy developed for the business.
* Training and Development in Small Businesses
* Analysis of the key elements of training and development to improve the performance of LSB Industries, Inc.,
There are numerous elements of training and development geared towards improving the performance of LSB Industries, Inc. in the manufacturing and selling market. The training session shall put into consideration the element of planning as a key-value to attaining the required results for the company (Banks et al., 1987). The planning process for the training session shall include; understandings the mission of the training, by the organizational employees, the business owners, and the management teams, understanding the objectives of the training session, and understanding the relationship between the company policies and the training session. To attain efficiency, the right training procedures shall be applied to ensure all the trainees understand the program effectively. The necessary training programs, budgets, and strategies shall form a major part of the training session for the individuals in the organization. The mission of the training process shall coincide with the dreams and the goals of the organization while driving the agenda towards the attainment of the set organizational goals. Through the training process, LSB Industries, Inc. shall be focusing more on the direction of success and the development of viable products that can be used for efficiency and which can help in the rectification of organizational challenges (Obisi, 2011). The organization shall instill the needed values and beliefs to its employees, help the various stakeholders in understanding the numerous changes within the organization, and how the business plans to attain a higher level of success. The training session will aim at ensuring that there is a unity of purpose among the employees, while also teaching the employees on the organizational future operation plans.
The organizational objectives shall be put into consideration since they will help the employee and the business owners on where the business intends to go over a certain period (McKenzie & Woodruff, 2014). The training session will help in the process of setting the required business collective objectives, with employees being guided on what they need too, as a way of attaining the given organizational success. The training will guide in setting and evaluating the organizational values with precision and enhancing the process of setting better goals for the organization. Through the process of policy reviews, the business shall he help in the process of decision making as a way of ensuring that there is efficiency in the development of better marketing relations with the market forces. The organization leadership shall be trained on the basic requirements on how they can run their production processes, the human resource department, as well as the revenue generation mechanisms for efficient results. Through the training session, the leadership of LSB Industries, Inc. shall be trained on the importance of having flexible policies as a way of attaining the given organizational goals. The policies developed during the training session shall guide the organization in the best ways through which it can avoid any forms of ambiguity (Field et al., 2010). The necessary procedures shall also be put in place as a way of ensuring that the training process is a success. The procedures shall ensure that all the necessary materials are obtained on time and that the employees and company owners can undertake their training with efficiency. The training budget shall be set to ensure that all the materials for the training process are collected on time and that any form of compensation is done before the process of engaging the trainees. The budget will also help in covering the numerous expenditures necessary for the training session. The organization owners shall be trained in the best ways they can enhance their budgets, control revenues, and have effective utilization of finances generated from the company's projects (Sánchez, 2011). The training program shall also focus on ensuring that the organization can compete well with the other parties within the market while marketing its projects. The program shall also help in the selection of the training location, the training follows up, and how well the organization can attain its set goals.
* Prediction of 3–5 potential challenges that the managers and owners of LSB Industries, Inc. could face in addressing organizational performance and the effects of organizational gaps in LSB Industries, Inc
There are many challenges that the managers and owners of LSB Industries, Inc. could face in addressing organizational performance. The first challenge is the issue of communication. In most cases, managers and business owners, just like the ones for LSB Industries, Inc. are faced with the issue of poor communication, where information is not passed effectively to the business stakeholders (Gaskin et al., 2012).  Poor communication has many negative impacts on the business, which include; negative impacts on productivity, poor business management process, delays in product shipment and revenue collection as well as the development of poor job role designs. Poor communication distorts information destroys information and usually affects the good relationships between the business stakeholders within the organization.
The second major challenge is the issue of conflict resolution within the organization. Organizational managers face the problem of solving problems when employees are unable to deal with their issues and they need the assistance of the business managers (Frankenberger et al., 2013). Managers at the LSB Industries, Inc. might be forced to deal with cases from employees regarding interdependence and task-based conflicts. The managers might also have to deal with leadership conflicts related to department issues, work style conflicts from employees, personality issues from the employees as well as cases of discrimination expressed by employees. Creative idea conflicts might also emerge, which might lead to the development of struggles between employees who might express their discontent with how their creativity is handled within the business.
The LSB Industries, Inc. might be forced to deal with management issues that affect the functionality and the efficiency of the business. Some of the major management issues which the management might be forced to deal with include; the process of dealing with business uncertainties regarding the future operations, dealing with organization financial matter which might be hard, and also conducting an efficient process of monitoring the performance of the employees (Zavattaro & Adams, 2016). The process of ensuring that t...
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