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Essay Instructions:
I need a Critical Essay for the following questions: Compare and contrast any philosophies of two gurus of Total Quality Management. Discuss how they differ to each other in terms of leadership characteristics and , tools, methods, and approaches. Explain the legacy of each of them on the TQM movement.
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(18, December, 2010)
Total Quality Management
Quality management involves the element of high profile management of a business through control and management of the business, assurance which is basically the quality of being in a position to fulfill consumer needs and how best to achieve the goals in business. Quality management involves the ideas, procedures and ideal organizational development and improvement. A company can have the drive which is defined as getting the priorities of the company in place. While review is the process by which one observe the highs and lows of a business proposal and identify is the way in which one is able to get the opportune market and pre-feasibility test result determines the success and potential of the business. Verify is being used on counterchecking the business opportunity and making the final decision on it, Execute: actual starting of the business and working on how best to increase the profits and benefit not only the proprietors but also the shareholders of the company.
Clients have increasingly known their rights and they are demanding high quality services and goods which has made the business people to ensure that their products and services meets the increasing needs of their clientele. Hence, for the business to be competitive they are required to continually upgrade their goods and services to be ahead of their competitors.
A guru can be defined as a person of high standards of knowledge and wisdom and passes the advice for the betterment of an entity in a particular field. They are persons whose advice is well taken and makes differences in all aspects of life. In the business field, they are persons who are able to make a business have extemporary profits and success. There has been several types of gurus in business but we shall deal with two particular types one such as:
Western gurus with Japanese industrialization which has its roots and ideas from Asia i.e. India, central Asia from which was their original place of origin. Who was a renowned guru and in fact famous for his critique, analysis and thorough which has seen the vast growth for many businesses with their sound strategies and structures of management. This westerners have become very much of portraits of innovation, efficiency organization and success as they work with reference to their backgrounds most of which were encountered by hardships so for them, it is more or less a test of their abilities and superiority of their culture and continent. Most of the gurus of this type were more emphatic on a brighter world of consciousness such is the example of the success of Sony and the fast growing rate of the Japanese economy and industry.
American gurus with experience from Japan such as Deming, whose influence is internationally known and appreciated in vast areas and sectors. He advised the Japanese on various business entities seeing the success of its industries. He is best remembered for his emphasis of management which is planning, controlling, execution and organization as the main success to any business. He stresses the point of proper interaction in the course of business for the employees and ...
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