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Total Quality Design for Quality Health Care Services LLC

Essay Instructions:


BZ440 Quality Control

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

One of the philosophies mentioned in your text includes the strategy of Plan, Do, Check, and Act. Please keep this philosophy in mind when considering the information required below.

1. Discuss the premise of TQ. Then, design a TQ initiative for a company of your choosing, outlining steps that will provide internal and external support for your initiative.

2. Outline a plan for a team meeting with your managers, and elaborate how together you will disseminate this plan to the entire company.

3. Evaluate the potential impact of your meeting and the launching of your TQ plan, including two (2) strengths and two (2) weaknesses of the plan.

Text Book: Quality Management for Organizational Excellence - Introduction to Total Quality by David L. Goetsch and Stanley B. Davis, 9th Ed. Pearson 2021

ISBN 10: 0-13-13-557732-2

ISBN 13: 978-0-13-557732-5

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quality Control
Name of the Student
Instructor’s Name
Quality Control
Businesses have a key role in ensuring that their goods and services are of high quality (Rangaswamy et al., 2020). In so doing, the target customer enjoys meeting all their needs, desires, and preferences. The overall customers' perception of how well a service or product meets their expectations has to be positive for a business to compete in the global, national, and local markets. Consumers must acquire a high level of satisfaction. Before making a purchase, customers mentally calculate the value or worth of a commodity. Since these individuals value their money, they cannot exchange it for commodities that meet their expectations. Therefore, companies must engage in constant total quality management (TQM) to detect and eliminate manufacturing errors, ensure employees are fully trained, improve customer service, and streamline supply chains (Helmold, 2023). This essay defines the premise of total quality, presents a total quality design for Quality Health Care Services LLC, outlines a plan for meeting with managers, and examines the strengths and weaknesses of the plan. 
TQ Design for Quality Health Care Services LLC
The Quality Care Health Services LLC is committed to offering patients the greatest level of hands-on personal care. The organization serves communities, providing a sense of belonging, comfort, and peace. The facility offers its clients a home away from home. The elderly who reside in the company's settings can spend time with their loved ones. The organization strives to offer the residents desired premises with a sense of purpose, respect, and friendship. Given the company's aggressive but achievable objectives and goals, there is a need to establish and follow an initiative for total quality, which follows appropriate principles of planning, doing, checking, and acting. 
This plan seeks to increase the chances of meeting the company's mission statement. The company defines its mission as caring for communities' mental, emotional, and physical well-being needing genuine attention (Quality Health Care Services, n.d.). This statement is part of the company's existence. Any further goals, objectives, or plans for the company should align with the mission statement. The statement exemplifies the client's well-being and health as they receive support from the company. It sets the ground for formulating total-quality plans. In ensuring that the team delivering care and serving clients will uphold this statement, the current plan will entail designing brochures and flyers capturing it. Distributing these materials to the staff will be a constant reminder of the path to follow while attending to customers' needs. The flyers will also communicate the benefits of following the statement and identify key programs for constant quality improvement of services. 
Furthermore, embracing a strategic approach geared toward hiring competent workers is necessary. The plan seeks to research qualified caregivers currently unemployed, train these individuals, and engage them in implementing the company's mission statement. This move will enable the company to collaborate with companies seeking its services. Such companies could include hospitals serving the elderly. The partnership will empower the organization to reach more needy people, meeting its desire for improved health and well-being of communities. Instead of waiting for job seekers, soliciting interested individuals will increase the company's workforce. Subsequently, a larger workforce will serve a wider customer base. Interested individuals will offer varying, diverse skills to implement the plan for quality services. Workers from the target communit...
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