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Toshiba's Accounting Scandal

Essay Instructions:

Please select ONLY ONE (1) company from among the ones listed below (see Articles for Case Assignment) Write a formal paper 4 pages long that is an analysis of the chosen company facing an ethical dilemma. Using concepts learned up to now, write your paper from a management perspective in organizational behavior. The paper should be formatted using APA style. Make sure you address the statements and questions below: 1. Identify and discuss the main problems or concerns mentioned in this organization 2. How did these problems develop and who was responsible? 3. How could the problems have been avoided? 4. Identify organizational behavior concepts that were or could be applied in the organization. 5. What organizational behavior problems occurred and what actions were or should have been taken to solve them? 6. Identify organizational behavior concepts that were or could be applied. ONLY SELECT ONE COMPANY Nike, Inc. Banjo, S. (2014). Inside Nike’s Struggle to Balance Cost and Worker Safety in Bangladesh: Executives Were Divided Amid Debate Over Controlling Costs, Maintaining Safe Working Conditions. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://www(dot)wsj(dot)com/articles/SB10001424052702303873604579493502231397942 The Coca Cola Company Suddath, C. & Stanford, D. (2014). Coke Confronts Its Big Fat Problem. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved from http://www(dot)businessweek(dot)com/printer/articles/217133-coke-confronts-its-big-fatproblem Toshiba Corporation, KK Soble, J. (2015). Scandal Upends Toshiba’s Lauded Reputation. New York Times. Retrieved from

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Toshiba's Accounting Scandal
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Toshiba's Accounting Scandal
Toshiba has been operating for more than a century and it holds a high profile in business around the world. Small companies try to emulate Toshiba's culture to get a share in the corporate business. They are all motivated by Toshiba's success, thus Toshiba Corp. has been a role model for many small firms in the world. The 140-year-old electronics giant that had its operations in diverse activities such as installing power lines and supplying iPhone parts to Apple found itself in an accounting scandal that impacted it heavily since May of 2015 (Addady, 2015).
Its CEO Hisao Tanaka resigned after it was found out that Toshiba has been overstating its profits for the last seven years. This was revealed after an independent investigation that cited several accounting improprieties in the organization was conducted. Several accounting irregularities were sighted in various units of the organization. For many years the organization has been ranked among the top performers in Japan but little did the managers know that their firm is under the watch of Financial Service Agency. After suspecting the accounting improprieties in the organization a launch to the probe. After the investigation it was evident that the company had overstated $1.2 billion in profits for the past seven years (Soble, 2015).. The managers have been lying to the stakeholders of the company since the financial reports did not provide a fair view of the organization's financial position. They have been doctoring the books to please the investors.
After the scandal erupted in Toshiba, its CEO Hisao Tanaka and other top managers resigned to take responsibility of being involved in the scandal probe that saw the organization overstate its profits by $1.2 billion. According to the report provided by the investigative panel, Toshiba's accounting problems dates back to the global financial crisis in 2008. With a drop in the products of Toshiba, the top executives set difficult profit goals for unit managers. Due to this pressure, the managers “resorted to accounting gimmicks and shortcuts” that was to help them realize those profit goals.
Therefore, the fraud was as a result of a top-down directive where the employees had to inflate the organization's net income. The impossible profit targets that were set by the top executives pressured the employees to meet the goals by all means that included fraudulent inflation of the profits. The resignation of the top executives was a sign that they were responsible for the probe. On their resignation day, CEO Hisao Tanaka said that they were sorry to the stakeholders though they never told the employees to inflate the profits (Soble, 2015). When employees are given impossible goals to achieve and there is no room for consultation, they will employ all the means they seem possible to help them achieve them. So the top directors in Toshiba had not to tell the employees to doctor the financial reports directly. They figured it out on their own.
Toshiba had a good governance structure and culture that looked good on the paper but it was ineffectively monitored by the top executives. A strong corporate structure, transparency and good governance are believed necessary not only in avoiding accounting and organizational scandals bu...
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