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Union in Microsoft Company

Essay Instructions:
The company to use is Microsoft Realize that some companies do not openly discuss their HRM practices. Perhaps the organization you chose for your SLP project is one of them. So, sometimes you will need to make inferences and borrow ideas from other private-sector companies to build your discussion. For example, you have looked but can't find information on your chosen organization's approach to the SLP assignment topic. But, you have read about other businesses' approaches to it. You could discuss those practices as they might work in your SLP organization. This is an acceptable approach for this assignment. Remember that the SLP organization that you have chosen is your "framework" for your SLP project. (Many of the companies, however, on the list do have their HRM practices widely known and written about. Always look first to see what you can find.) Again, we are not looking for factual information specific to your chosen SLP employer. We are looking at current, HRM-specific information that might be applicable to the employer you have chosen. For the Module 4 component of the Project, please look at the industry/business category your SLP organization is involved in (perhaps it is the hospitality industry, retail foods, financial industry, transportation and so forth). Please address the following: --Discuss how unionization has impacted this industry/business cetegory overall. Discuss the role of labor unions in helping to shape the industry/business category and current business conditions for your SLP organization. If possible, give specific union examples (by name). --Has this industry trend affected your SLP organization's business? Please discuss and provide examples. --How might proposed union-related legislation by the federal government positively or negatively affect your SLP organization?
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(24, November 2010)
Union in Microsoft Company
Labor unions are legal entitles that represent workers in various organizations (Blanchflower, et al., 1991). It has various impacts on company performance. Its impact is established by checking company`s labor cost and productivity growth of the company.
The Microsoft Company experiences high labor cost due to unionization. This is mostly brought by the union always lobby for salary increment regardless of the companies profit turn over. In the process, it retards the company`s growth leading to closure of some.
According to Acuff 2010, the unionization increases the productivity of the employee. They work without fear of exploitation from their employee. Union covers and protects the employee making them feel safe thus boosting their morale. It makes them feel involved, as they are liable of making company`s decision. This increases the company`s productivity as work is done more efficiently and with more satisfaction.
The aim of every company is to grow. Microsoft Company is not an exception. The growth of the company emanate from the workforce employed in it. A motivated worker maximizes his production making company realize it s dream. Union in this case works as a bridge between the senior management and the juniors. This helps them realize company`s objectives together.
Roles of labor unions
The labor union helps in collective bargaining. This is where union members work to change their workplace. They fight for increase in wages and salaries, good working condition, better pension plan, health care, job security and vocations (Mishel, 2003).
Union helps in upgrading the employees` effectiveness in the company. It pushes the employer to either improve or collect con...
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