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Balanced Score Card

Essay Instructions:

The material in this module tells us that many companies place disproportionate emphasis on the financial perspective at the expense of the other three perspectives. Give an example of an organization with which you are familiar from either previous coursework, the news, or personal experience where this has been the case. What were the results of this focus on the financial perspective on customers and other stakeholders? Be as specific as you can and give concrete examples.  

2. Can you think of any organizations that do not have relevant "customers" to take into consideration? If there are such, how are they different from other organizations where all parts of the BSC operate equally?


3. Organizations are complex systems with multiple stakeholders. Sometimes the interests of various stakeholders can conflict. For your initial post to this discussion, give an example of a business process where the interests of two (or more) stakeholders are in opposition.

4. The home page of this module identifies several measures of the learning and growth perspective, such as:

  • Real-time availability of accurate customer and internal process information to front-line employees  
  • Ability to launch new products  
  • Ability to create more value for customers  
  • Ability to penetrate new markets  
  • Alignment of employee incentives with overall organizational success factors  
  • Rates of improvement in critical customer-based and internal processes    

Consideration of these measures reveals that it can be difficult to quantify these factors. For your first posting in this Discussion, identify one specific example of a learning and growth measure that you feel could be critical to an organization but difficult to measure.

5. In your opinion, what are the most difficult aspects of simultaneously balancing the four perspectives in the Balanced Scorecard? Be specific and give examples from your Case analyses and/or SLP

Note: This discussion board is designed for you to respond to the above question/topic. To receive a passing grade each post should be a minimum of 200 words in length, demonstrating thought and integration of key concepts. Your response should be supported with relevant background sources, which must be properly cited and referenced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Thread: Balanced Score card
1 The material in this module tells us that many companies place disproportionate emphasis on the financial perspective at the expense of the other three perspectives. Give an example of an organization with which you are familiar from either previous coursework, the news, or personal experience where this has been the case. What were the results of this focus on the financial perspective on customers and other stakeholders? Be as specific as you can and give concrete examples.  
The Balanced score Card is a Planning and Management system designed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton. The balanced score card helps organizations have an overall view of their performance by combining financial and non-financial measures. Over emphasis on the financial perspective leads to neglect of the other equally important perspectives which may in turn lead to poor overall performance of the organization (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). The case study of JetBlue during the February 2007 storm illustrates that a single event of customer dissatisfaction in an attempt to save cost may have immediate negative effects even to a company that seems to be doing well.
David Neelman launched JetBlue as a low fare offering airline. The main aim of the launch was to add dignity to low fare travelling. JetBlue unlike other low fare airlines offers seats with more than enough room, wide aisles and personal television seats for each seat. JetBlue attract customers who would otherwise not use low fare airlines because of good customer service (Wynbrandt, 2004).
JetBlue realized just how important customer satisfaction is during a
storm in February 2007, that led to delay of flights and the shutdown of airports on the East coast. The ice storm was out of the company’s control, the company however had an obligation to ensure the comfort and safety of the stranded customers and they failed to do so. The result of the customer’s frustration was immediate, the company’s market capitalization fell by more than $100M just after the crisis. The cost of refunding fares and lost revenue would have been only $30 M far less than their loss. This was a defining moment for them and they decided to launch a better service recovery initiative and rebuild their reputation. The company’s management had to make great changes to prevent such an event from happening again (Zentler, 2007).
While JetBlue recognized the importance of good customer service, they were not aware of the potential cost of customer dissatisfaction. Unhappy customers will seek business elsewhere. Lose of customers leads to decrease in sales that will eventually translate to poor financial performance.
1 Can you think of any organizations that do not have relevant "customers" to take into consideration? If there are such, how are they different from other organizations where all parts of the BSC operate equally?
Most profit making organizations know exactly who their customers are. For Nonprofit organizations however, it is not so clear who their customers are. To develop an effective strategy organizations need to know who their customers are, but who is the customer of a nonprofit group? Many people consider the donors as the customers of nonprofit organizations because they ensure the survival of the organization, however these organization do not base their strategies on the needs of the donors rather on the social needs. The clients of the nonprofit organization receive services that they did not pay for, the organization can only spend on the client as much as it has received from the donors therefore causing a conflict on who the actual customer is.
The volunteers can also be considered as customers because their contribution in terms of man-hours is sometimes more than any financial support by donors. A Nonprofit organization has three different customers that it has to compete for with other organizations and each set of customers has its own needs to be met. All three sets do not fully satisfy the definition of a customer therefore one may argue that Nonprofit organizations do not have customers (Kramer, 2001).
Nonprofit organizations need to monitor their budgets and expenses just like any other organization, the financial perspective are important for them as an organization because they need money to fulfill their social mission. The difference is that nonprofit organizations do not rely on financial strategic objectives aimed at increasing profitability and decreasing costs. Nonprofit organizations also require internal processes in order to provide quality services to the community; productivity in nonprofit organizations is measured in terms of effective realization of a social mission and not increased profit. In order to meet its goals an organization must ensure that there is continuous growth and that the employees are continuously improving their skills, nonprofit organizations are not exempted. In conclusion, though nonprofit organizations do not have a specific customer they operate like any other organization only the end objective is different (Ronchetti, 2006).
2 Organizations are complex systems with multiple stakeholders. Sometimes the interests of various stakeholders can conflict. For your initial post to this discussion, give an example of a business process where the interests of two (or more) stakeholders are in opposition.
A stakeholder of an organization is anyone who has an influence upon an organization or interest in what it does. Organizations have various stakeholders both internal and external to the organization. The interests of its stakeholders need to be balanced since each has different priorities. The needs and expectations of one group may compro...
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