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Thematic Apperception Test Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Complete the Thematic Apperception Test, or TAT. Allow at least two hours for this assignment. (You will not be able to start and stop if you want accurate results.)
Once you have written your responses to each of the four pictures then respond to the following questions:
On what do you focus on the most?
The Need for Affiliation, for Achievement, or for Power
Summarize what you learned about yourself.
What did you identify as your dominate need?
Do you agree or disagree with the results and why?
Assignment Requirements:
This assignment should be developed from your own ideas, supported by source material, and iclude the following elements:
An Introduction which defines the nature and scope of your topic,
a body which includes your exploration of the two questions cited above,
a Conclusion which summarizes key findings, and
an APA reference page;
12-point Times New Roman font or similar, double-spaced with 1" margins.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Thematic Apperception Test
Thematic Apperception Test
Thematic Apperception Test is a standard evaluation tool used to assess, individual thoughts, attitudes, observational capacities and emotional responses to specific test materials. The test materials are set of graphic cards with human figures in different situations and settings. The test requires the subject to elaborate the events in the picture including his thoughts and feelings and the expected outcome. Since TAT is a projection test, an individual is expected to project his thoughts and emotional responses based on the picture cards (Serfass & Sherman, 2013). This essay presents my response after taking the TAT test using the first four pictures.
Picture 1: a young woman is seen in the foreground of the picture looking sideways while an older woman is in the background looking with her eyes facing the opposite direction with her hands rested on her chin as if she is surprised (Ritzler, 2016). As per my description of the picture, the two women seem to be in conflict because their eyes are looking in the opposite direction, but the older woman looks more surprised.
Picture 2: the second picture two women are seen as if they are in a laboratory conducting an experiment. One is actively touching an instrument with the other one being an observer (Ritzler, 2016). In my view, this picture highlights the role of different people in a society some are passive, but others are active.
Picture 3: in this picture, a man is covering his face as if he doesn't know what to do as a woman is lying in the background she looks unconscious (Ritzler, 2016). The picture presents how certain situations can make us feel overwhelmed with life.
Picture 4. Is a boy sitting and looking at a tempura placed in front of him (Ritzler, 2016). As per my description of the picture, the boy feels lost because the task ahead of him seems to be ambiguous. He is wondering how to go about the whole process. The picture reminds me how I sometimes feel when I can figure out my purpose in life.
The focus of the four pictures presents indecisiveness, after analyzing the four pictures I have learned that in many instances I have been faced with similar situations where I do not know how to go about difficult situations. For example, the first picture reminds me of several situations where I have been in conflict with my mother and did n...
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