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The Session Long Project

Essay Instructions:

The Session Long Project (SLP) involves writing essays on contemporary logistics topics facing an organization of your choice. Pick an organization that will allow you to examine its approach to logistics throughout the course. It may be an organization that you currently work for, one that you have worked for in the past, or one that is of interest to you. Be sure when selecting the reference organization that you will have access to data to address the five topics.

The Session Long Project for this Capstone course is based on two major phases (activities) for each of the five topics:

Activity 1 (Assessment Phase)

Describe and evaluate how your Case study organization approaches five contemporary logistics issues explored in the modules. For example, Topic 1 is focused on exploring and describing the placement of logistics in the organizational structure. Topic 2 gives you the opportunity to assess the feasibility of the organization’s use of third and fourth party logistics providers. Topic 3 examines the role benchmarking and performance assessment play in your organization. Topic 4 explores adaptations the organization is making to adjust to the volatility of geopolitical issues. Topic 5 demonstrates the role planning plays in the design of a logistics system.

Activity 2 (Improvement Phase)

Display your creativity and demonstrate integrative and synthesizing skills based on the current course and on previous courses taken in logistics and related areas (i.e., LOG301, LOG302, and LOG401). Assess how your Case study organization might better address the five issues described in the first phase.

Whenever possible integrate information from previous courses along with providing examples based on your own experiences to illustrate and support the points discussed in the essay.

For Topic 1, after selecting a reference organization, write a 1-page essay that addresses the following:

Phase 1 (Assessment Phase)

Briefly describe the organization you have selected for the SLP, discuss where the unit responsible for logistics is in the organizational chart, briefly describe the duties and responsibilities of the logistics unit, and note the level of recognition senior management gives the unit.

Phase 2 (Improvement Phase)

Assess how and if logistics operations could be more effectively and strategically integrated into the organizational structure (Phase 2).


write an essay of 1 page discussing the following:

Phase 1 (Assessment Phase)

Describe and assess your organization's experience, if any, with 4PLs (“virtual” logistics service providers [VLSP]).

Phase 2 (Improvement Phase)

Determine if your organization could more effectively use the services of 4PLs (VLSP). If your organization has no experience with 4PLs (VLSP), discuss the major advantages and disadvantages that might result from using a VLSP for the organization.

write a 1-page essay addressing the following:

Activity 1 (Assessment Phase)

Describe and assess how benchmarking is used to evaluate the performance of the logistics function within your organization.

Activity 2 (Improvement Phase)

Explore how your organization might enhance logistics operations by incorporating greater use of benchmarking and performance metrics.


write a 1-page essay addressing the following:

Activity 1 (Assessment Phase)

Discuss the major operational threats your organization's logistics functions face as a result of global terrorism.

Activity 2 (Improvement Phase)

How might your organization better mitigate the threats of terrorism relative to its logistics operations?

Armed forces personnel who believe they may have difficulty answering these questions because of security concerns should shift the scale of inquiry to the logistics risks the nation faces and how it might better mitigate vulnerability to these risks.

write an essay of 1-pages discussing the following:

Activity 1 (Assessment Phase)

Describe and assess whether your organization uses comprehensive logistics planning effectively.

Activity 2 (Improvement Phase)

Explore how your reference organization might more effectively implement comprehensive logistics planning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Session Long Project
The Session Long Project
Topic 1, Phase 1: Organization and Logistics unit
This paper focuses on logistics issues of Wal-Mart U.S. this company is one of ardent interest to me since it has managed to achieve and maintain a world-leader status in the retailing industry. Founded by Sam Walton back in 1962, the company has remained the largest business employer of all times besides establishing roots (outlets) in many countries of the world. On the other hand, gaining information about Wal-Mart operations is not difficult since it is easily available on the internet besides there being a remarkable focus by the media on the company’s activities.
Wal-Mart employs a divisional structure for its management. This paper however focuses on Wal-Mart U.S., which has its logistics units under a leadership team division also responsible for real estate and store operations. This paper also recognizes that logistics forms an important part of an organization’s supply chain. In fact, the Council of Supply Chain Management professionals (2007) defined Logistics as "that part of Supply Chain Management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements."
Undoubtedly, Wal-Mart bears superior and advanced logistics system that guarantees its remarkable overall performance (Cassidy, 2005). It remains solid knowledge for all the company’s stakeholders that it sources goods in huge volumes and lower costs in ways that uphold strategies for low pricing. Furthermore, Wal-Mart is very keen to ensure aspects of technology and innovation are upheld as much as possible. To begin with, this paper exploits the placement of logistics functions in Wal-Mart’s organizational structure as a function of management.
Wal-Mart’s management often makes changes to the organization’s structure as it seeks for ways of achieving more and more success in terms of organizational performance. In reality, the company focuses on meeting the ever-changing customer demands, needs and preferences. In the United States, the company is structured into three main geographical units that are each headed by a president. Such are Wal-Mart North, South and West. On the other hand, there exist three main operational divisions that are Logistics, Store operations and Real estate, all of this fall under a single leadership team. What is more is that the overall structure bears no restriction for any given division in terms of decision making in relation to customers, products and services.
Topic 1, Phase II
Processes and procedures involved in logistics system of Wal-Mart should be clearly defined to allow for making adjustments and or improvements. Indeed, successful integration of logistics functions is enhanced by product structure that assigns resources based on the different products shelved by the company (Chandran, 2003). For example, structuring could be based on products types like electrical and electronics- lighting, TV and stereo, kitchen appliances and washers and dryers.
Topic 2, Phase 1: The organization’s use of third and fourth party logistics providers
Undeniably, Wal-Mart employs the use of both 3PL and 4PL to manage its vast supply chain. In most cases, up to four companies are involved in handling the company’s goods at warehouses before they are transported to its distribution centers. Such companies can be described as Temp agencies. When it comes to freight consolidation, the company actively engages services of 3PLs for purposes of cutting back and or controlling transportation costs to its distribution centers where the company’s fleet takes over. Even so, it is important to note that the retailer does not hold any inventory at its distribution centers, its strategy involves receiving lesser shipments from suppliers in terms of quantity but at a higher rate, all these are managed by 3PLs. Making use of consolidators facilitates low truckload rates while at the same time gratifying LTL- sized orders. Some major suppliers of Wal-Mart include Prime Distribution services, CaseStack, DSC Logistics and Commodity Logistics among others.
Topic 2, Phase 2
Wal-Mart could consider improving information technology (IT) infrastructure in use by its Virtual logistics service providers, especially for inbound logistics. For purposes of guaranteeing efficiency, the company should focus on curbing supplier inefficiency in this manner. Besides the company has so far managed to stock its outlets with the widest range of products, meaning it has capacity and resources to facilitate suppliers (especially small-scale) technological capabilities.
Topic 3, Phase 1: The role bench...
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