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Analysis and Critique of Current Fraud Cases: The Sagas Of Corporate Fraud

Essay Instructions:
For the Blog assignment, select three noteworthy corporate fraud cases, one of which must be Canadian. Analyze each case in terms of the common characteristics, the unique characteristics and the contextual factors that enable fraud to be perpetrated. For example, consider the role of the company auditor in each case. Could the auditor have been more effective at identifying the true financials? Potential cases for you to consider may be found on the web or from news sources and archives, CBC podcasts, Fifth Estate episodes, or 20/20 episodes etc. You must reference your sources in your blog and use appropriate APA style for quotations and references. You should also provide links to your research sources within your Blog (links may be to online references, news stories, podcasts, video archive). Before creating your Blog please review the attached detailed assignment instructions which provide guidance on the required content as well as the marking rubric for evaluation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Sagas Of Corporate Fraud
Considering the level of corporate fraud in the contemporary world, it is clear that it has become one of the most common scams in practice. This brings a personal concern of where it intends to place businesses and persons that continue get frustrated after its encounter. The corporate fraud actions involve the activities that companies or individuals take in illegal or dishonest manner, designed to offer some advantage to the perpetrating company or individual. It is shocking to realize the reports of fraud being discovered every day and yet some of these acts go unnoticed. The schemes of fraud exceed the scope of a stated position of an employee, being marked by their economic impact and complexity on the business, other workers as well as the outside parties. With the look of things, corporate fraud has been quite challenging to prevent, detect or catch, showing the requirement of applying effective policies by the companies to limit these cases. The comparisons of three different corporate cases of fraud in their characteristics and factors brought about personal knowledge on what they entail.
Through the perusal of the cases of corporate fraud, I discovered that the department of internal audit is usually in charge of investigating the fraudulent financial reporting, misappropriation and corruption. Some companies that have faced this ordeal and experts advices that it is significant for the security professionals to be familiar with the way corporate crimes are carried out as well as how they are detected, since they cause great losses companies. Liam Eagle, a contributor to the web host industries reported such a case of corporate fraud around the year two thousand and twelve in BC, Canada. The person in question was a twenty-four year old based in an Island called Gabriola who faced multiple charges that included sending out fake invoices for website hosting services (Eagle, 2012). The main suspect was a young man, Gabriola Island of twenty-four years and faced multiple charges that relates to fraud. The Canadian federal law enforcement group investigated the fraud that engaged one thousand invoices that were sent out through Enterprise Corporate Web Hosting for the work that was not preformed. The invoices were requesting the sum ranging from around one hundred and thirty, to one hundred and fifty-five dollars.
Get to realize the impacts of frauds, as in this case around one hundred and fifty thousand dollars had been affected, making it logical to imagine that this amount would put the individuals at a loss. The auditor would have been keen to notice this incidence if it was an inside plot, but quite challenging to notice the actual perpetrator. Most of the companies that received the invoices paid for the services, where the suspect had used fake bank account and identification to deposit the checks of those who responded. Although it was not put clearly, whether the suspect was associated to the company in any way or not, doubts remained in numerous people of whether the Web hosting company could be practicing fraudulent activities. It is likely to say that some of these companies come to a halt due to their loss to corporate fraud that leaves them bankrupt. The presence of the perpetrator of this fraud case in the company was not clarified and although there existed some doubts regarding both the company's activities. However, it...
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