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Encourage government improve the public transportation service

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Subject: Public transportation is important in a country`s economy because it facilitates the movement and mobility of people, goods and other services within a region. It is a service that is available to the general public and includes modes of transport media such as buses, trains, ferries, airplanes and share taxis.
The challenges that the public transportation sector encounters vary greatly depending on regions and countries. For example, there are regions where there is massive congestion of vehicles in road transport. This is usually evident in urban areas and big cities where there are many activities going on. The result of congestion on road transport is usually accompanied with traffic jams that waste a lot of time. Traffic jams are frustrating for motorists and passengers because they waste a lot of time and resources such as fuel. The government should come up with strategies to expand the road transport network that will reduce congestion in the big cities (Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program, 2007). Some of the strategies that can be employed are building underground subways and extending roads such that they can accommodate large numbers of vehicles on the roads. This will reduce the time that passengers take to wait for public transport services on the bus termini.
Improvement of public transportation can benefit the public because there will be ease of movement from one point to another. This will massively reduce time wastage and the citizens will be more productive. As the government invests more on the expansion of the public transportation sector, the number of personal cars will reduce on the roads and this will lead to reduced congestion of city roads and, therefore, less traffic jams. Consequently, the pollution levels will decrease because of fewer emissions from the public transport service. This is because the number of personal cars will be reduced as a result of improved public transport. Many people will also prefer using the public means of transport and save more on fuel costs by leaving their personal cars at home (International Union of Public Transport, OECD, 2004). As a result, the level of green house gas emissions will reduce and the environment will be friendlier to the passengers and the society.
The government can help improve the public transport sector by injecting more funds to the expansion of road networks. The money can be used to improve the road infrastructure by building super highways that will effectively handle the large numbers of public vehicles. This should be carefully planned to avoid deadlocks within the roads that connect with each other. Underground subways can also be built to accommodate passengers and serve as alternative means of transport. More public buses should also be put on the roads that will offer easy and reliable access to the public transport service (European Conference of Ministries of Transport, 2002). This should be done after the roads have been well constructed. The drivers operating the public means should also be treated well and paid enough salaries to motivate them in doing their jobs. This includes good training of the drivers
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