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6 pages/≈1650 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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The Market Opportunity:Market Need,Service and Competition

Essay Instructions:

My essay needs 14 section.

Every section need 3 pages.

Now we need you write the second and third section.(each section 3 pages)

The essay lets me do a business plan.

we are going create an app that help college student who live in campus do the laundry. Student may find the empty washer or reserve the spot through our app and they don't have to wait. We can also have timer on our app to remind them when the clothes are ready to take it out.

Price: People should pay for 5 dollars to download this app.

Applicable people: People who are freshman and sophomore and live in campus are the major group. Other students and workers are secondary group

Competitor: Laundry firm in the Syracuse.

The reason to create this app: Because we don't know whether the washer are being used or not. It wastes time if we go to the laundry room and the all the washer are being use. The app could tell us which washer are empty and which one is not. The app also will give you reminder to let you get your clothes if your clothes are all set. So students can take out the clothes as soon as possible and let others use the washer. So this app is convenient for students. It can save time and help student to use washer reasonably.

How to use this app: You can reserve the spot through our app if the washer are empty. The reserved washer will wait for 10-20mins, if no one is coming for it, it will be canceled automatically. The timer in our app can remind the students when the clothes are ready to take out and same thing with dryer. When my app is growing up, I can use advertisement to make money.

Method of bringing profit: Download the APP for $5 and also the advertisement for other merchant on the app.

User population: 8000 peoples.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Plan
Second Section of the Business Plan
The Market Opportunity:
The company will be providing both services and a product to students in campus. By providing laundry services and an application as a product that would make it easy for the coordination of these services easier, there will be better opportunity for the business to thrive. Students are also facing time constraints in campus, for that reason there will a great market opportunity for this kind of business.
The Market Need
Campus laundry is a business that is increasingly becoming even more marketable due to high demand for these services. Although the application that has been developed is fairly a new idea, it has gained popularity among students in campus. Considering the fact that students are always busy with their studies, they normally do not find time to do the laundry work on their own. For instance, when examinations are around the corner students tend to be immersed in their books and therefore this laundry application will have a great market opportunity among students. It is important to remember that students are having fair amount of discretionary income that will enable them afford for these laundry services. There is a big market opportunity for this kind of business for washing clothes. Also, considering the fact laundry takes a lot of time for students, there is a great need for this kind of business among students. Therefore, it would be prudent to conclude that there is market need for these kinds of services among campus students.
The Service
This is a service delivery kind of business. The service is provided from an application that would with laundry among students in campus. The application has been configured in such a way that it would save time for students. The paper will be discussing on the market opportunity for an application that has been created to help those students who are in campus with laundry services. This application will be able to inform students about the washer that is free as well as asking for the person controlling the washer to reserve one. Put in other words, the application is geared towards helping the students not to waste a lot of time waiting for the washer to be free. It is also important to remember that there is also a timer that will help in reminding the students when their clothes are ready to be picked. There is a big market opportunity for this kind of application as most of university students are always finding challenges with their laundry.
The Competition
Due to the fact that this kind of business has attracted huge demand from students, who are in need of these services, there have been competitions from different players who are determined to also share in the market. Although not many organizations have been able to establish this kind of application the company is currently facing competition from a laundry firm that is based in Syracuse. Despite the competition that the organization has experienced from its closest competitors from firms like Syracuse, it would important to note that competition is healthy for any kind of business. If there is a healthy competition in the market, this will make it possible for an improvement for the business to make the business to be even better. It is also advisable for a business to evaluate the competition; this will enable it to understand its shortcomings and improve on those shortcomings so that the business can win over more customers.
The Price
Before talking about the prices of this business, it is important to first talk about some of the benefits of this kind of application. The reason why this laundry application was developed is to enable the students not waste a lot of time waiting on the queue. Because it might be very difficult for one to pre-empt whether the washer is being used or not, the application that has been established will make it easier for the students to tell when the washer might be free. This application is quite convenient as it will make it possible for the students to properly use the washer in a ...
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