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The Impact of 9/11 on Global Logistics

Essay Instructions:

Required Reading Zalud, Bill, (2010 May) Every Link in the Chain, Security, Troy: Vol. 47, Iss.5; pg. 28, 3 pgs. Closs, David, Cheri Speier, Judith Whipple, M. Douglas Voss (2008 Sep) A Framework for Protecting your Supply Chain, Logistics Management (2002) Highland Ranch: Vol.47, Iss. 9; pg. 45, 1 pgs. Blanchard, David (2006 Dec.) Protecting the Global Supply Chain, Industry Week, Cleveland: Vol. 255, Iss. 12, pg. 43, 2 pgs. Suder, Gabriele, Michael R. Czinkota (2005 Fall) Towards An Understanding of Terrorism Risk in the MNE, Multinational Business Review, Detroit: Vol 13, Iss. 3, pg. 3. Sheffi, Yossi (2001) Supply Chain Management Under the Threat of International Terrorism, International Journal of Logistics Management, Ponte Vedra Beach: Vol. 12, Iss. 2; pg. 1, 11 pgs. Read the following articles: Zalud, Bill, (2010 May) Every Link in the Chain, Security, Troy: Vol. 47, Iss.5; pg. 28, 3 pgs. Closs, David, Cheri Speier, Judith Whipple, M. Douglas Voss (2008 Sep) A Framework for Protecting your Supply Chain, Logistics Management (2002) Highland Ranch: Vol.47, Iss. 9; pg. 45, 1 pg. After reading these and the other articles in the assigned reading, in an essay of 3-4 pages, answer the following questions: Is a security-oriented culture applied to the supply chain just good business? Explain. What are the benefits of viewing security issues beyond the individual firm? Why is RFID technology viewed by many to be an important tool in securing a supply chain? Which of the 10 security competencies discussed in the Closs, Speier, Whipple, and Voss article are likely to be the most challenging to implement? Why? Assignment Expectations Display a contextual understanding of the security implications of logistics management under the threat of domestic and global terrorism. Display in-depth knowledge of the vulnerabilities of logistics systems and creativity in assessing the security competencies that could mitigate the risks. In a broader perspective, demonstrate critical thinking, clarity of logic, and synthesis from previous course work in logistics in assessing the implications of implementing a security-oriented culture as a central element of the business equation. Submit your assignment for grading by the end of the module.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of 9/11 on Global Logistics
Is a security-oriented culture applied to the supply chain just good business? Explain.
A security oriented culture as applied in the supply chain is simply good business, in light of security challenges that may derail business operations. Security issues have the potential to disrupt flow of goods on a bigger scale more than ever before because of the threat of terror. According to Blanchard (2006), manufacturers need security management as a core component of business through integration into the supply chain. It is through factoring in the role of security in business operations, that manufacturers and business operators can ensure that there is increased efficiency in the supply chain as well as improved comparative advantage in comparison to businesses which ignore the disrupting effects of security lapse.
Through adopting a security framework for supply chain activities, businesses are able to benefit stakeholders including end customers, and security measures should not simply be adopted because of legislations (Closs et al., 2008). One of the ways through which to benefit from security measures is through management technology. This technology makes it easier to detect security vulnerabilities (Closs et al., 2008). Additionally, it is easier to share timely information about security concerns. The information shared to suppliers enhances planning, and improves business relationships. Overall, integrating security concerns in the supply chain helps to maintain brand equity and reputation, showing that managing security is good for business.
What are the benefits of viewing security issues beyond the individual firm?
The advent of globalization has resulted to increased business operations across borders, with reliance on technology interconnecting firms with diverse market players across the world. The main benefit for businesses is that better security facilitates trade for all market players, as businesses are less prone to disruption. Since businesses are better organized in tackling security threats, there are also better prepared to deal with disruptions. This also improves the security measures on different industries when different individual firms are aware of potential adverse effect of security threats. Hence, there are lower losses associated with security concerns and breaches while there is also better predictability.
Another benefit of viewing security matters is that there is better forecasting and risk pooling for many firms in an industry. Estimated figures on a larger scale are more relevant to show a trend in an industry and likely impact of security concerns. Many individual firms have limited capability to carry out thorough assessment of threat levels. It is easier to pool risks through collaboration, where firms share information to trading partners on security practices (Sheffi, 2002). When operating under risk of terrorism, it is necessary to share information among stakeholders to facilitate planning on ways to reduce and mitigate threat of terrorism and security breaches. Nonetheless, it is important to maintain con...
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