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The Future Role of HR

Essay Instructions:
What is HR's role in the next 10 years? There has been a big push for HR to become strategic partners, but let's face it, with the many different functions you've studied (both here and in MGT 509), there are day-to-day things that need to be addressed. If you were CEO, how would you structure the HR responsibilities? What are a few of the key points that you feel are centrally important to the strategic, performance, ethical, and/or social responsibility issues associated with outsourcing HR? What are some of the relative pros and cons of current trends in HRM to expand the scope of consideration of work-life issues to include ethics, social responsibility, and workplace spirituality? Discuss the types of employee relations activities that are common across organizations, and any experience you have related to that. Be sure to include appropriate references in your response. If you are or ever have been a manager, you have probably had to conduct performance appraisals. As an employee, you've probably been through one or more appraisal processes. These tend to be unpopular and in many cases less than optimally effective exercises. Based on your mod 5 reading, discuss some of the issues involved and offer one or more practical solutions for how to conduct performance appraisals effectively. Please answer all the questions in a paragraph or two. Answers must be academia based, thus require a references
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Future Role of HR
The Role of HR in the next 10years need be a self transforming one to suit the requirements of the highly dynamic business. HR job in future need be more of strategic joint venture rather than the traditional policing functions.
If I was a CEO, in order to structure HR responsibilities, I would consider the following: My key consideration would be to think first of the kind of job out resulting from HR in relation to the required manpower to deliver on the activities. I would consider separating stratagic tasks from transactional tasks. Stratagic functions include capacity and potential identification, motivation building, and value scheming. These can be retained in the HR department. Transactional functions include: staffing publicity, payroll management, delivering training and promote direction. These can be merged with accounting. Both the accounting and HR departments can compliment one another in performance assessment and reparation decision making so that they can optimize company output (Kahnweiler, 2005).
The next question to be addressed is to do with some of the strategic, performance, ethical, and/or social issues associated with outsourcing HR. A company can outsource HR as a cost saving measure. Outsourcing helps a company to focus on core functions that are necessary for it to survive competition. Outsourcing may be a viable alternative for a company to achieve higher quality management and to help in faster growth to maintain her market share. Other important issues include the need to strategize without interfering with existing management, avoiding major investments and also boost suppleness. Generally, a company outsources to improve performance. However, some companies outsource just to enhance credibility (Rowley, 2008).
The extent to which outsourcing HR affects a companies operations will thus be defined mainly by its effect on: price savings, reward management, Benefits management, moral considerations and business social depe...
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