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The Business Model Canvas

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to create a business model canvas, highlighting how human-centered design and technological advances can be used to solve real-world business problems. This individual assignment is based on the group decision to move forward with a viable hypothesis from the Topic 2 CLC assignment. Expand upon the hypothesis to create an improved hypothesis, based upon at least five sources. Build out each portion in the lean business model canvas. Be sure to include your time and potential expenses within Key Partners, Key Activities, and Key Resources. Based on your individual hypothesis and developed persona that was pitched to the group, develop a summary of your canvas model for submission and feedback.
Within your 500-750 word summary of the business model canvas, include research from at least five sources. Your final deliverable in Topic 7 will contain both a PDF of the business model canvas and a Word document summary. For this assignment, you will only create your draft Word document, which will contain a summary of your business model canvas. Within the summary, include your ideas for key partners, key activities, key resources, value propositions, customer relationships, customer segments, channels, cost structure, and revenue streams. Your summary will receive peer feedback in Topic 6.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.
This is the Hypotheses that the team used.
Team problem statement: _"Eighty percent of pollution to the marine atmosphere comes from the land. One of the biggest sources is called nonpoint source pollution, which occurs because of runoff. Nonpoint source pollution includes many small sources, like septic tanks, cars, trucks, and boats, and larger sources, such as farms, ranches, and forest areas. Some water pollution in fact starts as air pollution, which settles into waterways and oceans. Dirt can be a pollutant, topsoil or silt from fields or construction sites can run off into waterways, harming fish and wildlife habitats. Nonpoint source pollution can make river and ocean water unsafe for humans and wildlife"
These are my hypothesis, is is what you need to used to come up with and business model canvas
Good Hypothesis: Cars create pollution that ends up in our oceans and waterways
Better Version: The act of driving vehicles also emits pollution into our air. The pollution from these emissions eventually falls back to the earth and is transported by runoff and groundwater into streams and rivers.
Best Version: Nonpoint source contamination can make river and ocean water unsafe for humans and wildlife. In some areas, this pollution is so bad that it causes beaches to be closed after rainstorms.
Independent Variable: Cars
Dependent Variable: Rain, Wind, Snow

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Model Canvas Summary
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing), Walden University
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
Business Model Canvas Summary
Eighty percent of pollution to the marine environment comes from land (UNEP, 2021). Non-point sources are among the most significant contributors to this pollution through runoff. Non-point source pollution comes from significant sources (like farms, ranches, and forests) and small sources (like cars, boats, septic tanks, and trucks). A significant amount of water pollution begins as air pollution, settling into waterways and oceans (Liu et al., 2015). These pollutants are not only harmful to the marine habitat but also make water unsafe for human consumption. Implementing carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology on vehicles can significantly reduce exhaust emissions and, therefore, reduce the impact of driving on the marine ecosystem.
Summary of Business Model Canvas
Key Partners
The key partners include government agencies, environmental organizations, vehicle manufacturers, vehicle insurance agencies, and researchers & developers in CCS technology. Technology is an emerging concept that requires extensive consultation before it can be implemented (Rezaei, 2019). Their implications on the cost and efficiency of vehicles should be established and who is to burden the cost of the innovation.
Key Activities
The key activities include research, design, marketing, lobbying, production of CCS equipment, and provision of extra services such as fitting existing cars and repair. Research and design are essential because they shape the final product. Marketing is critical because it allows the drivers to know about the technology, while lobbying is crucial because it makes people aware of the environmental concerns.
Key Resources
The critical resources for the business proposal include premises (land and warehouse), expertise, and finances. Funds are the most critical resource...
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