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Technology and Innovation in Banking

Essay Instructions:

Term Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to develop an inde-pendent analysis of an issue related to money and banking using concepts and theories learned in class.


The term paper for this course is an open-ended assignment that is intended to sharpen your writing, research and critical analysis skills. The project is designed to ensure that you are fa-miliar with the process of collecting financial/economic data from the web and analyzing it using the concepts and theories learned in class. The paper should focus on a topic of your choosing related to material covered in the course. You should develop a position related to your topic and support that position through online research. Possible topics include:

• Technology and Innovation in Banking/Finance

The paper should begin with a concise summary paragraph that (1) states the prob-lem/issue/topic you have selected and (2) summarizes your position on the topic, anticipating your conclusion. The remainder of the paper should explain and support your position.


Please submit your topic for approval in the “Term Paper Topics” folder in the assignments sec-tion of the online classroom. Your paper should include:

• A narrative of up to 8 pages (not including title page, reference list, or appendices).

• A title page

• A reference list (using APA format) with at least seven sources, and

• At least two graphs and/or tables

• In addition, at the conclusion of your paper please include a brief statement reflecting on what you feel you have learned from the assignment and how that learning may be applied to your life or work going forward.

Please use APA format in-text citations in the body of your paper for all facts and figures and proof your paper for grammar and spelling.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technology and Innovation in Banking
Student’s Name
Technology and Innovation in Banking
The banking sector has seen significant changes worldwide because of the enormous effect of innovations and trends in information and communication technology, risk management systems, and business analytics. Rather than whether or not long-term developments in the banking industry will proceed, the main question to be answered is how to better function in the modern business environment to maximize on possibilities offered by innovation processes, earn acceptable profits, and reimagine relationships with customers. A bank that wishes to develop must constantly adapt to changing economic, industrial, technical, innovative, and financial situations. This paper explores the technologies and advancements in the banking business.
The structural and behavioral features are affected by the advancement and complexity of developing technology. Furthermore, financial constraints and restrictions limit banks' strategic development alternatives. Over the last 20 years, sudden and rapid advances in information and communication technology have significantly impacted the finance sector, particularly the banking business (ICT). As a result, banks' organization, business strategy, client connections, and specialized responsibilities have all changed. Overall, technological advancements have simplified and accelerated information processing and transmission (He et al., 2021). Because of larger-scale networking based on a network of regional and worldwide links, banking commodities may be moved more quickly.
Client awareness has also improved, as it has accessibility. Due to technology improvements, service channels, the product range, the kind and packaging of financial services, and product development have all changed. It has resulted in significant cost reductions for banks and other associated businesses. While technology has advanced faster, the management principles that govern how it is applied have not always kept up (He et al., 2021). As a result, a new problem arises regarding the influence of technological development on bank frameworks, commercial ventures, how the banking industry might create a more desirable and financially viable risk-reward balance in the current context.
The information technology revolution of the last several decades has significantly impacted global economies and particularly the financial services sector. As a result, IT development has become an unavoidable prerequisite for the financial services industry, with the banking industry leading the way in terms of IT deployment. The shift has yielded several advantages. First, the total cost of IT infrastructure has been lowered dramatically. All significant networks' customer data is now more consistent (Kessey & Abassah-Wesley, 2020). The amount of time it takes to bring new and creative products to market without requiring new code has dropped dramatically. Because of increased automation, processing capabilities have become more direct. As a result, service quality has improved, and risks have decreased.
Scalability and cost savings are rising as more speedy and efficient technologies are created for higher capacity, cost reductions, scalability, and open communications protocols—innovative computer and mobile applications aid implementation. There is a more significant chance of expansion in response to requirements (Wonglimpiyarat, 2017). Banks have reaped the benefits of IT development significantly when productivity has increased, and spending has fallen because of labor savings and increased profit margins. The development in bank information technologies has promoted banking products (Kayugi, 2021). Furthermore, the banks' competitiveness has improved because of improved risk avoidance, uniqueness and customer service improvements, the maintenance of a steady client base and market share, and lower transaction costs.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Trends in the Information Technology sector
The leveraged business model used by the banking industry has proven to be incredibly sustainable for a long time but is currently facing new challenges and various constraints. First, the capital to book ratios have been steadily declining. As competition has grown, this pattern has continued. The industry has had a fall in profitability over the last decade, as assessed by return on tangible equity. It can be attributed to lower leverage and fee income and a lower net interest margin. Following the 2008 financial crisis, these trends became even more pronounced (Navaretti et al., 2018). Simultaneously, technological advancements have boosted the competitiveness of banks. The fundamental underpinnings of banking are altering because of advancements in digital technology. Banks are now using mobile technologies to supply services. A protracted period of ultra-low borrowing rates has had an effect as well. Some banks have increased their focus on fee-generating services in order to maintain profitability.
According to Wonglimpiyarat (2017), a bank serves as an intermediary. On the other hand, the Internet is fundamentally changing the banking industry by rethinking how financial service providers operate. Hence, the type of financial services and how they are provided have changed. Therefore, backs must modernize and embrace digital technologies to compete in the rapidly evolving digital market. In the future, both incumbent and challenger banks will have to deal with data, competition, and digitalization of financial services, as well as changes in trust and liquidity (Parameswaret al., 2017). Incumbent banks are striving to reinvent themselves in this environment. Challenger banks, on the other hand, are beginning from the ground up.
Banks are in charge of making payments and transferring funds in a country's economy. These duties can now be assisted and even carried out using the Internet. It is revolutionizing the way transactions take place, financial recording on ledgers, and making public and private digital currencies more accessible. Banks used to have an information gap between themselves and their clients, but that is changing (Parameswaret al., 2017). One bank had the edge over the other because of its understanding of its consumers. Because this information can be analyzed digitally, the digital revolution provided by financial technology reduces this advantage.
The types of deposits are also shifting. In the future, banks will be forced to accept and process digital deposits and transactions, including cryptocurrencies and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). CBDC highlights many issues. First, it alters the way financial services are supplied. In addition, it provides the framework for improved cross-border money transfers. Moreover, it necessitates a conversation about payment resilience, security, and competitiveness. Finally, it raises the topic of public money issuance as compared to private money issuance.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Online Deposit Growth compared to Traditional Deposit Growth
The new generation of digital challenger banks' tradeoffs and client comprehension are not the same. They are similar to a broker in that they provide a platform for financial services. It implies that a range of banks and payment methods will be accessible in the future. It also means banks will be forced to mine client data to comprehend a customer's financial demands effectively. A company must accept ...
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