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Target Marketing

Essay Instructions:

Choose a business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) company that uses target marketing. Then, you will need to complete the following list:

Briefly introduce the company you have chosen.

Gather examples of its activities and products that support its business model. Remember to properly cite and reference the sources of information you find. You should have at least two references from business-related or news websites.

Explain each of the four bases for segmenting consumer markets or each of the five bases for segmenting business markets.

In the company you chose, describe which of these bases for segmenting markets is used, and describe how the selected segmenting options are achieved.

Examine how these factors influence the promotional strategies of your chosen company.

Your essay must be at least four pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Use APA style guidelines for formatting.

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Target Marketing: Rolls-Royce Company
Target marketing is one of the major strategies sued by companies that produce certain products or services, meant for a certain type of market or customer. Understanding the market is an important aspect for any business, especially which relies on the use of the business to customer (B2C) strategy, and which relies on target marketing. This study analyzes the Rolls-Royce Company, as one of the companies that focus on target marketing in doing its business. In this study, the focus shall be on the analysis of the four bases for segmenting consumer markets, the five bases for segmenting business markets, and the segmenting markets used by Rolls Royce and how the factors influence the promotional strategies of the Rolls-Royce Company
* Brief Introduction Of The Rolls-Royce Company
The Rolls-Royce Holding Company owns the Rolls-Royce Company, which was established in 1904. The company focuses on the manufacture, designing, and distribution of power systems for the aviation industry (Pugh, 2015). Although the firm has focused on the production of aviation power systems, it has also ventured into the production of cars, producing high-class cars, for target customers within the market. Some of the major car models produced by the company and which have sold for the highest price in the market include; Ghost 4-door sedan, Ghost Series II, Wraith coupé, Phantom among others (Smith, 2013). The company has, however, produced cars targeting a certain market in the market, especially the rich and the wealthy, with their cars going for hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions.
* Basis for segmenting consumer markets
There are four major bases for segmenting consumers in any market. The segmentation bases include geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, and behavioral segmentation (Menzly & Ozbas, 2010). The demographic market segmentation focuses on the analysis of the customer’s; age, gender, levels of income, location, family situation, income levels, education levels, and ethnicity (Wells et al., 2010). Psychographic segmentation focuses on the factors related to the customer's characters and personality, such as; personality traits, personal values, attitudes, personal interests, lifestyles, psychological influences, individual's subconscious and conscious beliefs, personal motivations, and priorities (Narang, 2010). Behavioral segmentation focuses on the actions of the customer and the personality of the customer. Through behavioral market segmentation, companies focus on purchasing habits, the spending habit, user status as well as brand interactions. Geographic segmentation focuses on the actual location of the customer by analyzing the customers through; ZIP codes, cities, county, climate as well as the rural and urban location. However, some companies categorize their customers based on the benefits sought by the customers (Houpis et al., 2011). The businesses focus on the reasons the customer is seeking a certain product and the benefits associated with the product, such as its convenience, status, and the value attached (Almeida et al., 2014).
* Segmenting Strategies used by Rolls-Royce for its target customers
Rolls-Royce uses two major market segmentation strategies to identify its customers in the market, which are the demographic and psychographic segmentation strategies. Through the demographic segmentation process, the manufacturer can target its customers in the market, by focusing on the customer's income as the sole priority in selling their cars in the market (Sharma, 2015). The firm focuses on individuals who have a high level of income in society, regardless of their age, gender, location, education, and ethnicity. The cars produced by the company are usually expensive, with exclusive production and with the cost of spare parts and maintenance also being high.
The second major segmentation strategy used by the Rolls-Royce Company is the psychographic segmentation. The company focuses on factors such as customer’s personalities and characteristics ...
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