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HRPA Domains F2016 Term Project: Talent Management

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Talent Management
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc503772903 \h 3Talent Management PAGEREF _Toc503772904 \h 4Trends in Talent Management PAGEREF _Toc503772905 \h 4Paramed Home Health Care PAGEREF _Toc503772906 \h 5Challenges in Talent Management PAGEREF _Toc503772907 \h 6Solution PAGEREF _Toc503772908 \h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc503772909 \h 7References PAGEREF _Toc503772910 \h 8
Leaning and talent management is one of the areas that most organizations neglect. Where organizations are able to appreciate the level of significance, most of them do not put the required emphasis on the same, citing resources scarcity and in some of the cases the right strategies to use. The few organizations that have mastered the strategies of developing talent, stand above the rest relative to their performance and even efficiency. The domain of choice for this paper is talent management and assessing how future needs in this area can be met (Heathfield, 2017). The interest in this particular area in Human Resources management stems from the fact that, every other company that is at the top of the 500 fortune companies list has in some way implemented talent management strategies. It is important to note that, regardless of the quality of the products or services that the company is dealing with or the brilliance of the business idea that a company is trying to bring to the market, it is the staff that are going to be driving success not just in the market but internally at the company. The level of talent that a company has determines the quality of the products and services from inception to the time that the customer is using them wherever they are. This is particularly the challenge in the health care sector, where the level of talent and skills of the health care professionals at the health care facilities determines the outcomes of the patient and then the success of the facility. Currently, the health care sector is struggling with staffing where there is a shortage in the nursing sector. This calls for acute talent management strategies to help enhance the skills of the current lot while recruiting the best talent in the industry to match the pressure on the work force (Heathfield, 2017). More importantly is the fact that health care sector is constantly changing and the staff have to constantly change with it. Talent management is a crucial means of enhancing the quality of staff at any health care sector, sharpening the skills. However before the strategies of sharpening the skills are employed, the staff that are brought onboard have to be very best in the industry. This gives the health care facility an edge and at the same time an easy way of enhancing an already brilliant lot for future labor needs and industry developments. For purposes of elaborating talent management in the real world, the paper is going to focus on the Paramed Home Health Care, which is located in Canada, at Oshawa, Ontario. The facility offers home care and has been quite successful for the last over 40 years when it was started.
Talent Management
It is important to understand what talent management is before delving into how it affects the organization. This refers the commitment that goes into recruiting, hiring, retaining and developing some of the most talented employees that are also superior within the job market (Heathfield, 2017). This is a thus a business strategies that managers employ to make sure that they are able to hire and retain the best staff and most talented staff in the industry against the competition. It is not just the employers that benefit from the talent management strategies; most of the top talented employees want to know that they are going to be given the chance to better their skills when they get employed by the employer in question. One of the aspects to understand is that hiring is a very costly process for organizations (Heathfield, 2017).
Trends in Talent Management
In the past, most of the companies would stop at recruiting the best talent from the candidates that they interviewed. This was a common trend during the industrial era. The managers sorted through the applicants and selected the best that they thought would fit in with the demands of the positions that they filling. With start and end of the World War two, came the employment of the women workforce in most of the industries. This brought some element of diversity at the work place. At the same time, there was an influx in the people that were now coming in from all places across the globe and in search of a livelihood. Th...
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