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Systems of Survival

Essay Instructions:

please rewrite the attachment paper. 

instruction and comment of each entry are as follow:

Two of your entries are not responsive to the work journal task. I point them out below. Please write new entries that are focused on the task of reporting your work for this course, not just producing some generic text about business ethics. Upload your new entries here when you get them done. 

1. Be sure to quote a sentence from your reading and give the page number. You don't need to use APA citation format here. That's not needed for a note.

2. Give a link or give the title of the article. A name reference doesn't help. How reliable are those studies? 

4. Task? Topic? Which book? What does it mean to "support ethical standards"? Why is this important to ethics? It sounds like the key to ethics, then, is forcing good behavior on people. 

What is this reference to Werhane and Singer from 2013 doing? 

This note doesn't appear to be one that follows the work journal task assignment. Write a note that is based on reading for this class, or from class, or about writing issues we have discussed. 

5. Same here. This is just a general comment on business ethics. What does it have to do with documenting work you are doing for this course? 

6.The point about "passionate" is to show your passion rather than tell people about it.

7. Covey's book is still a best seller 25 years after it was first published

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Work Journal
Name: Isabella (Yishen Xu)
Date: 5th/10/2015
Task: Text
Topic: Systems of Survival (Jacobs, J. (1992). Systems of survival. New York: Random House.)
Time: 3H
The book gives an in-depth discussion of the importance of honesty in businesses. Armbruster argues that morality should be integrated with the daily practical matters. He says, “But the two are one and the same; morality and practical matters” (Jacobs, 1992, p.19). Dishonesty must be treated like any other business crime, and thus there should be the prosecution of individuals with such characters. There is a need to advocate for the right morals in enterprises. However, there are instances in which it becomes difficult to remain honest when one encounters corrupt systems. Ben’s story concerning the Canadian Organization highlights the dangers of having a government and companies that employ deceiving tactics to achieve their targets. Ben asks, “How can one remain honest, even if they want to be when the whole system’s rotten?” (Jacobs, 1992, p.18).
Date: 6th/10/2015
Task: Media
Topic: Business Ethical Issues on Media (Tugend, A. (2014). In Life and Business, Learning to be Ethical. The New York Edition.)
Time: 2H
Another ethical issue in business writing and businesses as a whole is the justification of wrong actions. Broke Deterline in the New York Edition explains “Our survival instinct is to want ...
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