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SWOT Analysis: Urban Grill

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SWOT Analysis: Urban Grill
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SWOT Analysis: Urban Grill
Over time, companies strive to remain in business because of the prevailing hard economic conditions, like the recent and ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic. Frequently, the situation is worse when the respective factors extend to the global economy. Certainly, an entity may close down in a worst-case scenario. Otherwise, it may consider doing a cost-benefit analysis to realize whether the business is worth keeping. This process is bound to influence a proprietor into revisiting the business plan and, possibly, the sections on SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths) analysis. This writeup is a SWOT analysis for Urban Grill, a Shanghai-based restaurant I recently visited and experienced. The restaurant is domiciled in China’s renowned towns, located 5 minutes’ drive from the Anyuan-Changhua roads junction. Further, it highlights various recommendations the restaurant may consider to overcome its weaknesses and exploit its available opportunities.
* SWOT Analysis
* Quality and delicious foods
* Ideal location in a populated place
* Excellent customer service delivery
* Food verities for Chinese customers
* Cool music

* Narrow scope of cultural foods
* Limited space
* High operational costs
* Stiff competition from new entrants
* Slightly short of staff
* High employee attrition

* Diversified market
* Increasing city population
* Increasing healthy eating needs
* Overall good economic performance
* Technological advancements
* Intercultural communication

Global COVID-19 health protocols
International restrictions
Many restaurants within a short radius
Reduced entry barriers for new businesses
Reduced customer purchasing power

* Marketing Strategy Recommendation
From the analysis above, Shanghai's Urban Grill presents an interesting case that is worth studying. While the hospitality and hotel industry has been ravaged by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has adversely impacted the global traveling and supply chain, the restaurant can exploit the strengths and opportunities to overcome the weaknesses and strengths through appropriate strategies. It is against this backdrop that I suggest the recommendations discussed below.
First, Urban Grill should consider an intelligent and digital transformation in all areas of operations. According to Keiningham et al. (2020), digital transformation is mainly driven by consumer demand changes. During this dispensation, there is an increased need for contactless services since physical contact is a disease transmission mode. Hastening the digital transformation will enhance the hotel's competitiveness as it will be viewed as dedicated to promoting good health among its customers. On an elevated scale, orders could be placed online or via mobile phone applications before a customer proceeds to pick their food or drink. By extension, this strategy will address inadequate staff that has become a norm as most entities are downsizing on their team.
Also, there will be a significant reduction in human error, while the services will be quality and efficient. As a result, there will be enhanced customer satisfaction, further giving Urban a competitive edge over its peers. Recently, relevant companies, including Baidu and Alibaba, have hinted at innovations of modified artificial intelligence that are s...
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