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Sustainability Product Analysis of Air BP

Essay Instructions:

The assignment is due on Friday, November 26 before 11:59 pm (end of day).

Please download and read the full assignment for more detailed information and instructions, as well as a Sample Submission: Assignment #3 Sustainable Product Analysis Assignment Fall 2021.pdf

When you have completed the assignment, upload your file in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format. The assignment will be submitted automatically to Ouriginal (replacing Turnitin) for a textual similarity analysis.

The assignment should be completed in full-sentence prose, approximately 5-6 pages in length (single-spaced, 2500-3000 words of text, not including illustrations or references). This is intended to be a coherent, well-edited, well-organized document – not just a series of answers to the suggested questions.

You should support your conclusions with outside sources, including references to marketing, reporting, or other materials from the company itself, as well as some peer-reviewed academic sources. Please document your sources appropriately, using APA-style citations and referencing. Information about how to use APA style will be provided on Quercus.

Additional resources:

Please refer to Academic & Writing Resources for additional writing-related help and suggestions, including information about APA-style referencing and citations.

I have posted a video "walk-through" for each of the assignments: Assignment Walk-Through Videos . Everything covered in the videos is in the downloadable assignments. If you would rather just read through the assignments, then you don't need to watch the videos.

Marking Rubric:

Here are the marking guidelines that we will be consulting while reading your submission:

Content: out of 40 marks

The submission needs to respond thoughtfully to each of the questions in the assignment; they don’t have to be answered in the same order as in the instructions, but they all have to be addressed.

There should be some depth of analysis, showing thoughtfulness about product sustainability in more than just a superficial way.

The sustainability claims should be analyzed from a variety of perspectives. For example, it’s fine for a product to be “environmentally sustainable,” but does that really constitute “sustainability” in a more comprehensive sense?

The submission should speak to the “context” for this organization, sector, or product. For example, in my sample submission for David’s Tea I investigated the tea industry and found out that there are several sustainability and/or environmental initiatives in the industry that the company is not involved in.

Refer to the assignment for additional detailed guidelines.

Writing and Format: out of 15 marks

The writing is important. We are looking for good grammar, good sentence and paragraph structure, and no typos or careless errors.

We are also looking for an objective, scholarly tone in the writing.

The organization should flow from beginning to end, with good transitions from one section to the next, and a logical flow of points and arguments.

The submission can be organized question-by-question (as in my sample submission), but it can’t be a disjointed series of answers; it must end up functioning as one coherent essay.

The submission should flow well, the analysis should build from one answer to the next, and there should be some sort of concluding statement.

The required length is approximately 5-6 pages (2500-3000 words of text, single-spaced, not including figures or references). If a submission is much less than 5 pages, it probably won’t have the same depth of content as one that is 5 pages or more in length.

References: out of 5 marks

A proper APA-style reference list should be provided.

The references should include reports, websites, and other materials produced by the company and others.

The paper contents and conclusions should be supported by information from other sources, particularly academic sources.

The submission can be supported with figures, photos, graphs, etc., if needed and if they would contribute to the overall quality of the submission. If used, they must be properly cited and sourced.

TOTAL = 60 marks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sustainability Product Analysis
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Sustainability Product Analysis
The last two years have been characterized by a wave of companies prioritizing “sustainability” in their operations. Some have set zero carbon goals, others have diversified their workforce, and others have opted to venture into cleaner business lines. As more governments continue to show more focus and desire to fight climate change, the interest in sustainability is likely to increase even more as pressure from social movements will also continue to pile.
Company Product that Highlights Sustainability
Air BP is one the world’s largest suppliers of aviation fuels that include kerosene jet fuels and AVGAS, as well as lubricants for turbines and piston-engine aircrafts. The organization supplies approximately 8 billion US gallons annually of aviation fuels and lubricants across the world. The entity is a subsidiary of the British BP and has its headquarters in Middlesex County. It has locations in over 600 airports in 55 nations. The company’s logo depicts sustainability in various ways, beginning from the color to the logo.
The company’s claim to sustainability lies not only in its logo, but also in the signature color of its wallpaper. Most of the images and even some wordings have a green color, which is plays an essential role in communicating its dedication towards ensuring sustainability. The company also lays claim to sustainability through a statement on its website that urges people to embrace its fuel as a way of minimizing greenhouse emissions. The statement says, “One way to make a material reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the lifecycle of the fuel is to use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in place of regular jet. Thus, the company uses the word sustainable to affirm its commitment to the cause. The company goes further to explain the importance of using the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), the amount of carbon it produces, the product suppliers, its level of safety, and whether the fuel is suitable for all aircrafts. It notes that its safety originates from the ability to blend it up o 50% with the traditional jet fuel and undergoes all the relevant quality tests to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements.
Whether Company Issues Sustainability Report
Air BP issues a comprehensively detailed sustainability claim that outlines several efforts that the company engages in as part of its sustainability strategy. In the report, begins by introduction, which is characterized by the letter from its management. The next chapter is sustainability at BP which covers the organization’s purpose, strategy, sustainability frame, the net zero ambition and aims, which is what the company targets towards guaranteeing net zero emissions. Finally, in this section, it also covers people, planet and aims. The organization provides a glance of the subsequent year, the foundations in terms of values, safety, ethics and compliance, and value creation. in the focus areas, the organization lists its aims and objectives, in which it states its aims to get BP to net zero, the aims to assist the world get to zero, how to improve people’s lives, caring for the planet, and the UN sustainable development goals. The report then proceeds to list the organization’s ten aims that is pursuing in an attempt to get to net zero. Aims 11 to 15 focus on improving people’s lives, whereas aims 16-20 focuses on care for the planet. In its coverage of embedding sustainability, the organization focuses on governance and relevant business processes and also on building its digital capability. The external collaboration sections provides insights on the organization’s external engagements that are geared towards boosting sustainability. Finally, the report provides information concerning the company’s materiality, the reporting frameworks, and the cautionary statement.
The organization presents the report in accordance with the G4 guidelines, which refers to the principles of defining report content and ensuring that the information presented provided significant insights on the company’s performance. The G4 guidelines also include standard disclosures and performance indicators as well as other disclosure items. For example, under the materiality section, the firm highlights the identifying issues, in which it lists issues for stakeholders to consider and rank and among the issues that it reviewed included the ESG framework and standards, which included Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), SASB, and TCFD. It also reviewed the current relevant legislation, the global, market, and industry specific trends, and the existing processes among others. The GRI framework enables third parties to assess the environmental impact from the activities of the organization and its supply chain. Consequently, BP’s decision to report its sustainability operations on the GRI framework allows stakeholders and potential investors to assess the impact of its activities on it’s the environment and the supply chain. Consequently, they are able to make informed decisions regarding whether to invest in the organization or not.
International Sustainability Standards
Air BP is ranked on the international sustainability standards by the Deloitte LLP, which has ranked the organization based on safety and environmental indicators. The environmental indicators were assessed against the organization’s practice governing submission of environmental performance information and its procedure governing calculations and methodologies for environmental performance information at the firm. The safety standards were assessed against the organization’s practice governing reporting of incidents and record Health Safety and environment (HSE). This procedure was in line with the organization’s pledge to observe dialogue, transparency, and capacity building. The firm is also a member of several entities that include the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, the Voluntary Principles Initiative and IPIECA, whose aim is to facilitate the attainment of the above goals. The organization’s operations are based on the UN Global Principles on Business and Human Rights and also acknowledges its respect for the international standards and principles through by observing the requirements of the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Core Conventions on Rights at Work, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
Based on its efforts, the organization has received a number of key certifications that cement its commitment towards sustainability. For example, it has received the carbon certification standards and certification by and accredited third-party certification body for meeting the requirements of the MFP. Certification implies that the company met some standard of competence in its operations. Thus, Air BP met the specific requirements for the carbon certification and the Mexico Protocol. Consequently, the organization has approximately 50 carbon project on three million acres in the United States, having registered over 70 million independently verified offsets and over $500 million in revenue for the landowners.
Environmental Basis
Yes, some of the firm’s prominent sustainability claims have an environmental basis, including the focus to reduce carbon in its production and grow new low carbon business, products, and services. In reducing the carbon footprint, the company has pledged to focus on electrifying the world with renewable energy sources rather than relying on fossil fuels. It will strive to produce low carbon electricity and energy, provide more convenient mobility services, and offer resilient and focused hydrocarbons. In focusing on law carbon electricity and energy, the organiz...
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