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Business & Marketing
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Strategy and Performance Indicators: Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Overview: In this milestone, you will submit the Strategy and Key Performance Indicators for your chosen case study. Use the worksheet provided to complete

the strategy and key performance indicators. Make sure your chosen strategy is in line with the company’s mission and values. Your KPIs should fit the chosen

strategy and provide objective measures.

Specifically, the following critical elements from the final project must be addressed:

IV. Strategy: What does the company need to do to change direction?

A. Devise an informed basic strategy to move the organization in a new direction based on the environmental analysis.

B. Identify the key players in implementing the strategy (marketing, operations, accounting, sales, HR, etc.) and describe how it affects them.

C. Develop a basic (high-level) plan to improve organizational performance.

1. Define goals for profitability based on specifics from analyses.

2. Explain in detail how the goals are in alignment with the company mission/vision and values.

D. Describe in detail how this plan affects the organization’s departments (marketing, operations, HR functions, etc.).

V. Key Performance Indicators: What does success look like?

A. Determine the specific KPIs you will use to effectively measure the success of the strategy and explain how/why these KPIs align with the

identified strategy and with the organization’s mission, vision, and values.

B. Identify at least one KPI for each profitability goal identified previously.


Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be submitted using the worksheet provided and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point

Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Strategy and Performance Indicators
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Strategy and Performance Indicators
American Apparel Incorporated Company is an online retail business that has dealt with women, children, and men best wear for some time. The major problem of bankruptcy and the current danger of going out of business began when two thousand of its workers were terminated from their jobs by the federal investigation unit due to immigration issues and lack of ideal documents. Since then, the business faced a downward trend due to a lack of enough workforce to complete orders and meet the rising demands. Losses and debts crept into the business instead of normal profits and income. This essay develops strategies to improve the performance of the company and examines the key performance indicators that would change the current deteriorated state of American Apparel.
After being bought by a Canadian retailer due to bankruptcy, the company needed to rebrand to change direction from going out of business to its rebirth. The company needed to change the negativities that led it to losses like advertising using sexual content to adopt messages that will empower its customers and rebuild its name. Even though it sold out massively due to sexual and obscene content marketing, that was the wrong way that stained the company's image (Mehta, 2016). It led to lawsuits that would have been avoidable; thus, a need to come up with a new approach. The marketing to be newly used should remain fashionable or sexy but with lesser explicit content. The company had built a firm brand name by its production of good quality clothing that lasts long using costly labor. People trust the brand, which is a great advantage. The rebranding will not mean changing the name but altering its appearance to better retain the market, like reducing the sexual exposition by using photos that show great appearance.
American Apparel should retain its mission statement, which is also a powerful marketing strategy. The company has the advantage of a new CEO, the Canadian retailer, thus an excellent opportunity for re-growth. There is also the need to reduce the money spent to restructure the company. The threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths should be analyzed to develop the strategy of a different direction from the first. The primary danger is the enormous debts which s...
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