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Strategic Planning and Management: Brita Health, Electronic Medical Records

Essay Instructions:

Strategic Recommendations
In developing this assignment, you have an opportunity to synthesize and apply the concepts, principles, and theories. You will be writing a paper in response to the following hypothetical situation.
You work in strategy planning for an organization. You’ve been in the organization in a variety of roles for five years. Recently, the senior leadership team determined that your organization needs a more effective strategy planning process, and you’ve gladly stepped into a role to help determine what the improved process or activities might be.
You’ve been asked by your manager to put together specific strategic recommendations to help the executive team better understand the concepts and principles of a well-designed strategy process. Further, these recommendations will include a set of examples of strategy planning activities specific to your organization.
Your well-written paper should include the following elements and meet the following requirements:
• Your paper should be 5-6 pages (not counting the title and reference pages that you must include).Remember that your audience is a team of senior executives.
• The choice of organization is up to you. Describe your organization in terms of its industry, type (closely held for-profit, publicly traded for-profit, not-for-profit, or public sector), headquarters and other locations, and size.
• Present the strategy concepts, theories, and principles that you believe are important for the senior executive leadership team to understand. If there are contradicting opinions from strategy experts, you may want to present both sides in an objective discussion. 
• Present four examples of strategy planning activities from four different modules that are designed specifically for your hypothetical organization. For each of your strategy planning activities, include a clear and understandable title along with a brief overview description of one or two sentences for each.
Example: In MGT510, the focus of Modules 2 and 3 is on Industry Analysis and Strategy. One example of an activity that would be relevant to content from those modules is a Demand and Competition Analysis.
• Include the titles of the example activities, with more complete descriptions for each. Explain the benefits and value of each activity specific to your organization.
• In addition to your textbooks, you must incorporate a minimum of three additional credible sources. Be sure these are included on your reference page(s).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategic Planning and Management
Strategic management helps organizations to set their priorities, strengthen the operations, get the stakeholders and employees to work towards the established goals, assessing and adjusting the direction of the organization for the future, focusing on the resources, energy and the intended outcomes in light of the constantly changing business environment. Strategic planning is quite crucial as it determines the current position of the organization and the future as well. As such, strategic planning communicates the goals of an organization goals and the tentative actions to achieve the goals in question as well as other crucial elements such as who is responsible for the actions and the time line. This makes strategic management a very crucial aspect as it transforms static plans into strategic performance and feedback to the decision that have been made. Like most other plans, it is crucial to have the right principles guiding the strategic (Byington, 2003). Having an effective strategic plan is crucial to the accomplishment of the set out goals and the expected outcomes in the end. There are quite a number of frameworks and methodologies associated with strategic planning (Achampong, 2010). Choosing the right set of concepts, principles as well as the principles, thus becomes a very crucial element. In the health care sector, there is a very rapid level of dynamism which affects all aspects of planning and operations. Medical professionals have to battle with the ever changing landscape of health care delivery both socially and legally as well as in of research and technology.
Brita health
Brita health is a health care facility that offers whole family health services. Located in Texas, the hospital has been very crucial to the community offering quality services to more than 300,000 people in the community. In light of the current technological advances in the health care arena, the hospital has been struggling to stay ahead of the development curve, however without much success relative to the fact that, most of the operations have not been computerized. The hospital is in light of the challenges, developing strategic plans to make sure that they are effective. Of importance is understanding the elements of effective strategic management plans relative to getting the best results from the efforts.
Electronic medical records
For quite some time the hospital has been struggling with the idea of electronic medical records. The EMR system is one that is set to transform the hospital’s ability to offer quality care. The current system which is high manual has been a hindrance to the hospital taking advantage of the medical databases used by medical professional across the country. It has also been one of the main causes of medical errors associated with misdiagnosis. This has been the case especially where, patients attended to do not have much medical records data in the hospital and the staffs are forced to make judgment calls based on the current conditions (Collum & Menachemi, 2011). With the electronic records, doctors and other staffs attending to patients, will have the chance to view previous medical interventions carried out on the patient and therefore make better diagnosis. At the same time, the ease of accessing medical data will further decrease medical error associated with lack or delays in acquiring medical information about a patient (Jaana, Teitelbaum, & Roffey, 2014). This has mostly been the case given that, the manual medical records can only be accessed by one person at a time, while the EMR allows many professional to have access to the information and can thus act at a moment’s notice (Collum & Menachemi, 2011).
Strategic Management Cycle
At the heart of an effective strategic management planning, is understanding the basic steps that lead to the end results. There are quite a number of strategic planning steps that can guide the strategic management team at the hospital achieve the desired goals with much ease. The following are some of the most important steps of an effective strategic management plan in light of adopting technological advances at Brita Health. It is important to note that the steps form a cycle that should be followed to make the best of the strategic plans (Collaborat.com, 2015).
Steps of Strategic Management Planning Cycle
Current Assessment on performance
This is the first step in developing an effective strategic plan and plays a crucial part in getting the team on track to the rest of the steps. At this stage, it is crucial for the strategic team to take stock of the level of performance that has been achieved in the current year (Kun, Kassim, Howze & MacDonald, 2013). Understanding the level of performance not only helps the team to understand what part of the hospital operations are most challenged, but further brings out the challenges that the hospital is facing relative to performance. This is an important assessment as it sets the stage for the team to determine what follows later on in the strategic planning and the decisions that they make along the process.
Scanning the Internal Environment
The internal environment is key to the success of the strategic plan and the hospital at large. Elements such as corporate culture, human resources, management, organizational structure, physical assets and policies. This are elements that are crucial to the very basic operations at the hospital. They form the integral part of the hospital and base for the implementation of any plans that the hospital may have. The organization culture, for example forms the very basic binding element that determines how the staffs respond to the changes implemented (Collaborat.com, 2015). As such, conducting the internal environment scanning helps with understanding the skills, associate satisfaction, business model, attrition reasons and mindsets. These are all factors that affect the strategic plans relative to how they are going to be implemented and the effect that they will have. The internal scanning can be done through interviews, informational research and the focus group discussions at the hospital.
Scanning the External Environment
Like the internal environment, the external environment also plays a crucial role in the operations of the hospital. This basically relates to all the factors affecting the hospital externally, such as the political climate, legal, competition, technology, media and the economy. The hospital is bound to interact...
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