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Strategic Recommendations: Corporate Bank, Training Employees, Investing in the Employees

Essay Instructions:

In developing this assignment, you have an opportunity to synthesize and apply the concepts, principles, and theories. You will be writing a paper in response to the following hypothetical situation.


You work in strategy planning for an organization. You’ve been in the organization in a variety of roles for five years. Recently, the senior leadership team determined that your organization needs a more effective strategy planning process, and you’ve gladly stepped into a role to help determine what the improved process or activities might be.

You’ve been asked by your manager to put together specific strategic recommendations to help the executive team better understand the concepts and principles of a well-designed strategy process. Further, these recommendations will include a set of examples of strategy planning activities specific to your organization.


Your well-written paper should include the following elements and meet the following requirements:

Remember that your audience is a team of senior executives.

The choice of organization is up to you. Describe your organization in terms of its industry, type (closely held for-profit, publicly traded for-profit, not-for-profit, or public sector), headquarters and other locations, and size.

Present the strategy concepts, theories, and principles that you believe are important for the senior executive leadership team to understand. If there are contradicting opinions from strategy experts, you may want to present both sides in an objective discussion. 

Present four examples of strategy planning activities from four different modules that are designed specifically for your hypothetical organization. For each of your strategy planning activities, include a clear and understandable title along with a brief overview description of one or two sentences for each.

Example: In MGT510, the focus of Modules 2 and 3 is on Industry Analysis and Strategy. One example of an activity that would be relevant to content from those modules is a Demand and Competition Analysis.

Include the titles of the example activities, with more complete descriptions for each. Explain the benefits and value of each activity specific to your organization.

In addition to your textbooks, you must incorporate a minimum of three additional credible sources. Be sure these are included on your reference page(s).

Your paper should be formatted according academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.


Grant, R. M., & Jordan J. (2015a). Foundations of strategy (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategic Management
Strategic Management
Strategic management form the basis of growth in any given company regardless of its size. The ability to articulate the best plans and how they are going to be executed, rests on the ability of the strategic planning team to come up with the best and actionable plans to drive growth. One of the areas that is largely determinant of a company’s growth and development is the human resources. Companies have to make sure that they make the appropriate strategies to manage the human resources in the best way possible. This means that they have to develop and implement plans that tackle the human resources challenges at the moment and forecast the challenges that may come up in the future along with the opportunities (Delery, 1998). Strategic planning directed at streamlining the human resources is thus a crucial entity relative to company growth. At the heart of the company growth, is the vital role that the human resources play. All the strategies that a company brings on board are implemented through the human resources and this also goes to the element of managing the rest of the resources at the company; they all rely on the human resources to bring out the best for the company. This makes human resources management, very crucial to the growth and management of any company (Werbel & Demarie, 2001).
Corporate Bank
Corporate Bank is one of the leading banks with its headquarters in New York and has been operational for the last four decades. With more than twenty branches across the states, the bank is well established (Lojić, Škrbić & Ristić, 2012). However, the bank has been struggling with human resources management and there is need for rapid action relative to strategic management of the same. As such there are a number of strategies that should be implemented relative to the human resources management at the bank (Nasim, 2012).
Training employees
Or the last five years the bank has not had any form of strategic training on the staffs. Training plays a major role in the productivity levels that every staff is able to deliver. The bank has however, not implemented training programs that are geared toward enhancing the staffs abilities at delivering their objectives. In the last two years, the staffs have been faced with severe challenges with introduction of payment technologies and online platforms (Nasim, 2012). In light of the fact that the bank is trying to keep up with the changing technological landscape, there have been some haphazard implementation of technological programs geared towards the same (Lojić, Škrbić & Ristić, 2012). The online platform for example is a crucial element in the current trends within the banking sector. However, poor implementation has made that, staffs are constantly struggling to meet their objectives relative to the arising challenges associated with skills deficiency. The program was introduced without prior training to the staffs. It is crucial that, the training program initially suggested is implemented and audited to make sure that the right changes are actionable (Delery, 1998). Skills training on the payment system and the mobile system are thus going to be a crucial strategic planning element towards ensuring the staffs have the right skills that help them boost their productivity, morale and even extend the same to the customer satisfaction (Nasim, 2012).
Investing in the Employees
For the last five years, the bank has not been able to bring about actionable investments geared towards investing in the employees. One of the areas that the company needs to highly prioritize on is education. During the last five ye...
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