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Strategic Human Resources Planning (Dell Corporation)

Essay Instructions:
Instructions Attached. There are two different parts of the paper. Each needing a Title and Reference Page. Choose 1 organization (the same organization for both parts). This paper has a total of 4 parts. I would like to request that you do each part of the paper. Please provide me your writer number and I\\\'ll request your assistance for the last 2 parts (because it will be over the chosen organization) when I have them available to request.
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Dell Corporation
Dell Corporation
Dell Inc. is a multinational computer technology corporation. It is based in Round Rock, Texas, in America. Dell develops, sells, repairs, and supports computers and other related products and services. Dell is one among the largest technological corporations in the world. It is ranked among the three largest PC vendors in the world, together with HP and Lenovo. The corporation has greatly grown by increasing its customers and through acquisitions. As per the year 2009, the company sold servers, data storage devices, personal computers, software, network switches, and computer peripherals. Dell also deals in MP3 players, cameras, and printers CITATION Ste061 \l 2057 (Holzner, 2006). Dell in its operations faces so many challenges. There are several other corporations dealing in the same line of products. For this reason, Dell has to fight for market share among the many other competing corporations. Competition thus rates as one of the major challenge faced by Dell. Competition is in form of similar products from other corporations as well as substitute products such as from the mobile industry. The world has become global. This has made the world a better place to live. However, globalization is a challenge to Dell, just like it is, to many corporations. Understanding foreign cultures is very vital to Dell in its efforts to penetrate foreign markets. There is need to understand foreign cultures and markets which can be achieved through information gathering and market analysis. This involves huge costs. The benefits to be draw from this has thus to exceed the cost. Technology is changing at a fast rate. Dell also has to expand its technological base in order to maintain the market share. Technological advancements thus become a major challenge to Dell. The corporation has to keep up with the ever changing technology CITATION Del99 \l 2057 (Dell & Catherine , 1999).Competition will determine the future position of Dell. If the company is unable to keep up with competition, then it would mean it will be mismatched by other competing companies. This will in return reduce the market share, reduce sales, reduce profitability, and at the end inability to sustain operations. To increase sales and expand profitability, every firm has to strive to invest beyond the local market. Study and understanding of foreign cultures becomes important to achieve this. If Dell is unable to invest in understanding of foreign cultures, it will be hard to penetrate foreign markets in future. Cultures are changing very rapidly and this affects the operations of the corporation every day. Understanding of foreign cultures has to be followed by improvements in technology. As culture changes, there is inclination and need for better technology. Inability to keep up with this changing world cycle will lead to the products of Dell being outdone in the market. People in any organization carry out the most important activities. The human resource personnel have to organize these people well so that they can effectively perform these roles. Human resources management team advices management on how to organize and manage people. This involves hiring and recruiting employees, coordinating employee benefits, and coordinating employee benefits CITATION Gar00 \l 2057 (Dessler, 2000). Human resources management team helps the corporation develop a competitive advantage. This involves building the capacity of the company to enable it offer unique goods and services to its esteemed customers. Provision of unique products helps the company maintain its market share and raises the competitive advantage.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 2057 Dell, M., & C. F. (1999). Direct from Dell : strategies that revolutionized an industry. New York: HarperBusiness.
Dessler, G. (2000). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Holzner, S. (2006). How Dell does it. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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