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Strategic Audit. SWOT Analysis of the Ryanair company

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, a mini strategic audit will be conducted for two companies with an overall goal to compare how each company differs in the strategy management and implementation, while identifying the importance of strategic management.

• Conduct a Strategic Audit on two companies of your choice that are within the same industry. During this audit, you will be comparing each company, to do so be sure to create a SWOT analysis for each company.

• In addition, visit each company’s website and conduct research to identify key strategies that each company has. List a brief introduction of each company, to include the Mission Statement and compare key aspects of each company.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SWOT Analysis
Professor`s Name
Ryanair company is a renowned and a large European airline company. The company is estimated to have an approximate 2,000 flights on daily operations. The company further connects around 215 destinations in 37 countries. Ryanair company makes good airline transportation records as seen in 2017 where the company recorded to have carried a billion customers to different destinations. The other company that I would like to audit is the Easy Jet airline company, which is a major competitor of the Ryanair airline company. The company also makes various flights and operates quite extensively in the airline company. The Essay gives an audit through the SWOT analysis to show the performance of both Ryanair and EasyJet in the airline industry.
Vision Statement of the Ryanair airline Company: To offer low fares with the aim of generating increased passenger traffic, which would maintain a continuous focus on the containment cost and competence in the operations offered.
The Mission Statement of the EasyJet Company: To provide our customers with safe, good value, point-to-point air services that offer consistency and reliability of our services to our different destinations.
SWOT Analysis of the Ryanair company
* The Company offers low airline transportation costs to enhance transportation across the globe.
* Innovative and extensive leadership skills to ensure that the business operates quite well and effectively.
* Having reliable operations that can sustain the operations of the busy aviation traffics
* Having a point to point flight services, which is an innovation that enhances the operations of the Ryanair company.

* Having a truncated level of empathy when dealing with employees, which amounts to poor customer relations.
* Sensitivity to taxes of the company and fuel price fluctuations, which might affect the operations of the company.
* Dynamisms in cash flows.
* The decline in the margins of the company.

* Accelerating and Upgrading the airline services offered across the UK.
* Marking a growth in the European airline industry.
* Amalgamations to enhance the routes that the firm services.
* Making plans to expand into the non-European markets.
* In the times when the company faces financial recessions, the company can lease out its products to ensure effective airline services.

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