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Stock Summary

Essay Instructions:

Write a short summary of the stocks in your trading account. And answer the following:

Why did you choose these securities?

What are some of your observations in regard to the investment selection you made over the last two weeks?

Would you do anything differently in regard to your own trading style going forward?

The stocks chosen are: Ralph Lauren (RL), General Electric (GE), Google (GOOG) Electronic Arts Inc (EA), United States Oil (USO), and Netflix (NFLX).

Context is that I am a sports fan that wear Ralph Lauren clothes and I play video games.

I am current ranked 4th overall with my stocks

Please follow these directions!!!!

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Stock Summary
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Stock Summary
I am ranked fourth overall in my stocks. They include Ralph Lauren (RL), General Electric (GE), Google (GOOG), United States Oil (USO), Electronic Arts Inc. (EA), and Netflix (NFLX). Being a sports fan and video game player, I like wearing Ralph Lauren clothes. The quantity of my GE stocks is 200 (21.15%), NFLX is 44 (16.51%), EA is 100 (14.17%), RL is 100 (13.3%), GOOG is 100 (12.13%), and USO is 145 (11.58%). The most significant thing about the above stocks is that they are profitable to trade. However, their daily value might fluctuate depending on various factors that influence the market. I prefer trading stocks from large companies in the United States since they have financial strategies to caution the value of their securities. Besides, the market is highly dynamic, and sometimes the stock value depreciates or appreciates.
The choice of my securities has significantly been influenced by the products and services I use daily or regularly. For example, I chose RL since I wear clothing from this company. I like playing video games, which determined my decision to select EA. In particular, I use Google products, including but not limited to Gmail, Drive, Photos, and Search Engine. A day cannot end without using Google products, which is why I choose GOOG. Moreover, I like watching movies from Netflix, which influenced my decision to include NFLX. Netflix is among the best movie streaming companies that have revolutionized the film industry since it even gives me a suggestion on new movies that I should watch. Additionally, I selected GE since I use various e...
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